Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Video of God Opening Blind Eyes & Deaf Ears
Video Link: Blind eyes opened & deaf ears unstopped in Jesus name!
Deputation Schedule
We will be in:
Alabama Jan 2-13 2013
Arkansas Jan 15-17 2013
BOTT Jan 22 - 24 2013
Arkansas Jan 25 - Feb 3 2013
Texas Feb 5 -24 2013
South Texas Feb 26 - Mar 24 2013
Florida Mar 26 - Apr 14 2013
Georgia Apr 16 - 21 2013
S Carolina Apr 23 - 28 2013
N Carolina Apr 30 - May 12 2013
Thank You!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain in Jesus' name!
God Bless,
Nathan, Tanya, Alaina and Lincoln Harrod
The Wolframs: Vietnam & Philippines Update
I recently had an opportunity to expand my outreach to two new groups of people in Hanoi (far north Vietnam) and Saigon (south Vietnam).
The pastor in Hanoi is a very nice man who was formally a two-star General who fought for the North. He gave up his military career to fulfill his calling for God. His warm reception of our message was appreciated. Two of the pastors who attended the meeting in Hanoi traveled more than four hours to attend. I was invited to come back to this church in the future. Two more invitations came about by this meeting in cities near Hanoi.
The seminar I taught in south Vietnam was also a a great contact. This new group was a pleasant surprise. I was introduced to this pastor by a family I baptized in the early ‘90s. This group has a grasp of oneness, baptizes in Jesus’s name and are all Spirit-filled. I am thrilled to see our message being spread far and wide. It is also heart-warming to know that the foundational teaching that I provided to many groups in the early ‘90s is still spreading. This new group is an example of the trickle-down affect of those early days.
Our five students from Vietnam are also doing great. They are presently helping me translate lessons for my seminars.
Africa in Revival
Terry Riddick & Rusty Riddick families
The missionaries visited a local church where the pastor is interested in affiliating with the UPC. After ministering in the service, the missionary taught the pastor's family a bible study about baptism in Jesus' name. The pastor said, "I am 65 years old and have been a pastor for many years, but I truly have received a revelation today." This pastor is the head of a small organization that has eight more churches and pastors. He would like to affiliate all the churches with the UPC. The missionary will soon be preaching the organization convention, and the missionary's wife will be teaching the ladies.
The missionaries have also been asked to minister in another small organization of four churches in a different area of the country. This area has no UPC. These churches also want to affiliate with the UPC.
Congo - Brazzaville
Regional Missionary, the Gistope family
There were seventeen baptized in Jesus' name and thirteen received the baptism of the Holy Spirit during a crusade.
Area Coordinator, Randy Adams - reported by Pastor Désiré
At National Conference thirteen received the Holy Spirit and one was baptized in Jesus' name.
Nick Sisco & Colleen Carter families
During leadership seminars and special services in two regions, a total of twenty-six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, six were baptized in Jesus' name, and multiple people were healed. There are also ten potential students to open another ACTS extension school.
Two preaching points have been started in one region.
At a regional youth all night prayer meeting there was a powerful time of prayer, deliverance, and renewal. The attendance continues to increase and transformation is taking place among the youth.
A home Bible study was taught to a young lady. She will be baptized in Jesus' name soon.
Jim Crumpacker & Patrick Groves families
Throughout the country there were 194 baptized in Jesus' name, eighty-seven received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and fifty-nine reported healings.
There were 307 home Bible studies taught. Two new preaching points have been established.
Albert Stewart family
During regular services a total of seventy-two were baptized in Jesus' name and twenty-six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Chris Richardson family
Local churches report that a total of 118 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and ninety-two were baptized in Jesus' name.
Kids Day 2012 ~ In the capital city, Sunday School students and teachers came together at the National Campgrounds for a day of fun and games. In the afternoon, there was an evangelistic service and 246 children received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Gerry McLean family
One of the Bible school students went into a village to share the message of One God and Acts 2:38. On the first night, nine were baptized in Jesus' name, and the next day he prayed eight of those nine through to the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The national evangelism director was invited to speak at a church and thirty-six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Another Bible school student witnessed to a group of people in her village, and her pastor baptized eleven of them in Jesus' name.
Gary Abernathy family
One regional Big Sunday had 3,569 in attendance. There were thirty-five baptized in Jesus' name, twenty-one received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and seventeen children were dedicated to God.
In two regional ladies ministries meetings there was a total of 687 in attendance and six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Holiday Greetings/News from Germany
2012 is fast approaching a close, and there are great victories to report in our German camp! Some of the many reasons for rejoicing are…
*We completed a very successful 8th deputation in America before returning recently to our own home and work in the midst of 83 million people living in the land of our calling. We added significantly to our long list of faithful supporters and we wish to THANK YOU ALL, the old and new partners alike, for working with us in the GREAT COMMISSION! Your investment is reaping eternal dividends and we only wish that each and every one of you could experience the excitement of the HARVEST firsthand.
*As you may recall, before we left Germany for deputation in 2011, we were able to place pastors into the two churches that we started in northwestern Germany - one in Paderborn and the other in Northeim. These men, the Denk brothers, went from converts in our second term of service in Germany to called and trained ministers of the Gospel by our fourth term of service. They are dedicated to propagating the Apostolic message. They remain deeply grateful because their extended family found Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior after emigrating from Kazakhstan to Germany in the early 1990’s. It is a thrill to return to our fifth term of service and find that the churches we planted are alive and well in their capable hands!
*In early October, just a few weeks after settling back into German life, we began to travel to Paderborn with our newly-purchased used Sheaves for Christ vehicle. The grand reunion with the Paderborn church coincided with the annual Erntedankfest service. Alan preached to a packed house as the presence of the Lord filled the place. Erntedankfest is the German equivalent of Thanksgiving Day. Unlike America, it is more of a church celebration than a family celebration. Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and grains, as you see in the photo, are gathered for this occasion and are offered at the end of the day of celebration to those in attendance.
Worshiping and Working in One Accord for the Harvest
*Just a few weeks later in November, we celebrated our 9th Anniversary in the building presently being rented for the Paderborn church. Our guest speaker, Missionary Filippo Ciulla from Belgium, blessed the church with his anointed ministry. The altar was filled at the end of the service, and his evaluation was that “the church in Paderborn was a wonderful experience!”
*The church in Paderborn has clearly outgrown its present building, so we are facing a GOOD problem! The brethren have begun looking for a larger facility to rent. WOULD YOU JOIN US IN PRAYER THAT THIS NEED BE MET QUICKLY? We need more space and more chairs to reach more people with the Gospel.
*We returned to Germany to find our preaching point just south of Bonn in good shape also, thanks to a faithful worker in the Kingdom, Petra Akeme. This group started with immigrant Spanish-speaking women from the Dominican Republic who are married to German men. We baptized these believing women in the Rhine River just a few months prior to our departure for deputation and have been teaching them in German. In our absence, some others south of Bonn joined the group and a Spanish-speaking Apostolic family from Ecuador moved into Bonn. Efforts are underway to bring these separate groups into one united body to reach out further in the Bonn area, in both the German and Spanish languages.
These are times of in-gathering from every tribe and every nation in every part of the world. Remember that YOU are helping to gather this HARVEST even as you support our ministry. WE THANK GOD FOR YOU EACH AND EVERY DAY!
Georgia On My Mind
Merry Christmas
From Georgia to you. We want to say thank you for all of your prayers and support. This holiday season we wanted to take a moment to say how much we love and appreciate you.
God bless you,
The Staten Family
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Revival Report - Harrod Family in Spain
Visiting ministry in October!
We are thankful for the ministry of Rev. James and Marsha Twentier who have spent the last three weeks ministering to our church in Barcelona, our daughter works and teaching in the Bible School.
A Look At What God Is Doing In Spain
Video: A Land in Revival
Deputation Schedule
The Lord has blessed while on deputation these past few months. We have had many filled the baptism of the Holy Ghost and in the past month have had 39 testify of miraculous healings. We thank God for what He is doing while on deputation. If you are interested in having us for a service below is our schedule.
We will be in:
Illinois Nov 27- Dec 16 2012
Alabama Jan 2-13 2013
Arkansas Jan 15-17 2013
BOTT Jan 22 - 24 2013
Arkansas Jan 25 - Feb 3 2013
Texas Feb 5 -24 2013
South Texas Feb 26 - Mar 24 2013
Florida Mar 26 - Apr 14 2013
Georgia Apr 16 - 21 2013
S Carolina Apr 23 - 28 2013
N Carolina Apr 30 - May 12 2013
Thank You!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain in Jesus' name!
God Bless,
Nathan, Tanya, Alaina and Lincoln Harrod
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Bro. Twentier Preaching |
A Look At What God Is Doing In Spain
Video: A Land in Revival
Deputation Schedule
The Lord has blessed while on deputation these past few months. We have had many filled the baptism of the Holy Ghost and in the past month have had 39 testify of miraculous healings. We thank God for what He is doing while on deputation. If you are interested in having us for a service below is our schedule.
We will be in:
Illinois Nov 27- Dec 16 2012
Alabama Jan 2-13 2013
Arkansas Jan 15-17 2013
BOTT Jan 22 - 24 2013
Arkansas Jan 25 - Feb 3 2013
Texas Feb 5 -24 2013
South Texas Feb 26 - Mar 24 2013
Florida Mar 26 - Apr 14 2013
Georgia Apr 16 - 21 2013
S Carolina Apr 23 - 28 2013
N Carolina Apr 30 - May 12 2013
Thank You!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain in Jesus' name!
God Bless,
Nathan, Tanya, Alaina and Lincoln Harrod
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Hello from Korea
Sending Greetings to the Other Side of the World!
I am still surprised by the emotional shifts that come from living abroad. I can be staring at pictures or watching videos from home and wishing that I could just pop over for that service, choir practice, youth event, et cetera, and in the next moment, I feel that echo inside of me that for now (time unknown) this place is home. That does not scare me for I grew up with many places called home. It does not, however, extinguish that two-places-at-once (at least!) desire. You are loved and missed by a girl on the other side of the world.
In This Corner of the World
It really seems like winter now the snows have come. At this level, I can handle it, and it is not unbearably cold. People have been saying for a bit that they expect this winter to be much worse than the last. We shall see what that means. ^^
The new AIMer has arrived and has launched right into the work here in Korea—doing anything and everything that is asked of her, even eating some food that she otherwise would not. Due to her schedule, she is not able to join the gang often, but we are all looking forward to seeing The Phantom of the Opera together the weekend after Christmas.
Christmas is different here in South Korea. As such, we only have Christmas day off; thus, I will not be traveling up to Seoul/Gwangmyeong to celebrate with my friends and church family. I am excited, though, to have a skype date with the family. Also, I purchased a little Christmas tree and am contemplating further decoration. Again, we shall see.
Of late, my days have been filled with final exams and a national test for the G1 and G2 students. The G3 students completed theirs some time ago in order to expedite the high school application process. They increasingly consider themselves to be practically high schoolers, but as yet, they have not gone too crazy. They still tolerate my attempts to actually still teach them a little English. Another group that I shall miss! I am borrowing from the future with that comment, so I will just focus on being grateful for the time I have with them.
At the church, the Sunday school classes and youth Bible studies continue to take place.We will have a Sunday school planning meeting this coming Sunday, so I desire your prayers as we plan for the coming year. I have loved watching them grow little by little thus far, but I know the best is yet to come.
Thank you for being with me in prayer and love!
God bless,
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Africa Network of Prayer
December Calendar Events
30 Nov LIBERIA National Board Meeting
01 Dec LIBERIA National Leaders' Meeting
05-06 Dec GHANA Special revival services with Evangelist Brian Norman (USA)
06-09 Dec KENYA National Youth Convention
07 Dec KENYA Prayer and Fasting throughout the Nation
07 Dec GHANA National Elections for new President. Pray for peaceful elections.
07-08 Dec NIGERIA National Bible School Graduation Services
08 Dec TOGO National Board meeting and 2013 Planning Session
08 Dec ZIMBABWE Matebeleland Youth Rally
09 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Ladies' Activities
09 Dec MADAGASCAR Barnabas Men's Seminar in Region D-Section 1
09-16 Dec GHANA "Tools of the Harvest" Seminars in Central & Ashanti/Brong Ahafo regions
13 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Ladies' Meeting
13-15 Dec LIBERIA Year End Revival at Bethlehem Star UPC / Section IV
13-16 Dec KENYA South Rift Ladies' Convention in Londiani
13-16 Dec NIGERIA Akwa Ibon State Convention
14-15 Dec SWAZILAND Evangelistic Crusade
15 Dec BENIN National Board meeting
16 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Youth Fellowship
16 Dec SWAZILAND Installation of First National Superintendent
23 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Youth Fellowship
23 Dec KENYA National Ladies' Day
27 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Ladies Fellowship
27-30 Dec TOGO National Conference and Bible school graduation
28 Dec-01 Jan '13 SWAZILAND End of Year Youth Conference
30 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Youth Fellowship
06 Jan '13 EQUATORIAL GUINEA Thanks Giving Day
04 Dec AFRICA REGION Pray for Africa's Children
14 Dec GLOBALLY Pray for the French-speaking nations of the Africa Region and around the world
LIBERIA - Pray for the National Youth Leadership Visitation (Section VI) which will take place in December, also for the youth of UPC Liberia for their faithfulness and for a desire for evangelism to continue among them.
We also ask prayer for the following:
* for Missionary Albert Stewart that the Lord will give them strength and good health to continue their work with the UPC of Liberia
* for continuous unity and teamwork among the leaders of UPC Liberia
* for Pastor Jacob Vah and family who have recently moved to Zordee Mission, for strength, courage and a financial breakthrough to maintain the mission
* for the ministry to get more involved in Bible School Education and training programs * for Section VI pastors as they prepare themselves for the mantle of leadership in that section.
EQUATORIAL GUINEA - Bro. Peter Mua requests prayer for his upcoming trip to Cameroon and for his safe return. Pray for his family and his church while he is away.
GHANA - There will be many revival services taking place all over the country during the month of December. Join with us in praying for these outreach endeavors.
SOUTH SUDAN - We ask for continued prayer for Church Growth and political stability, and also asking for prayer for Groves family as they travel back to North America for their deputation.
LIBERIA - During the recent National Youth Conference in November, a lady who believes she was poisoned a couple of years ago has suffered with her stomach sometimes severely. During one evening's evangelistic services, she went to the altar for prayer. After the service, she vomited up a odorous black fluid. Later she testified of a complete healing. Thank God, He is still the Great Physician and the healer of all diseases.
SWAZILAND - The United Pentecostal church of Swaziland had its annual Outreach Sunday on November 25th during which many homes were visited for the purpose of sharing the Good News of salvation. Initial reports received from local assemblies indicate that the outreach was a great success judging by the warmth with which our people were received. We are looking forward to welcoming new visitors in the coming weeks. We praise God for His grace.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving from the Alphins
Holiday Greetings!
Once again, we have arrived at the time of year when most Americans pause to reflect, both on life and the benchmark moment in history that was the starting point for the holiday. For those of us who put God at the center of our very existence, the thoughts also focus upon the One who is the giver of life and sustenance, the One to whom we give thanks for all things.
In Finland, as we enter a new day between 7 and 10 hours earlier than the USA, our thoughts towards you have begun very early today.
Financial partners, we give thanks to God for you, more often than you know, for what you are enabling Him to do here in Finland. We truly appreciate your willingness to to make it possible for Jesus, with our help, reach the Finnish people. May He continually to bless you for your gifts to His Kingdom.
Prayer warriors,
you are the ones who continually uphold us, petitioning God to strengthen and cover us. Those prayers are heard by the Lord and felt by our family, and we are so thankful for you.
Thank you for your support in every way -- we could not possibly do 'what we do' without YOU! We pray for you often, asking God to both strengthen, equip, and bless you richly.
May your holiday be mightily filled with His presence,
Mark, Glenda, Miranda, and Candace
Africa in Revival
Area Coordinator, Ted Grosbach - reported by Olebogeng Molefhi
At a local Fresh Fire conference, eleven received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and four were baptized in Jesus' name.
Equatorial Guinea
Regional Misionary, Peter Mua family
There were four who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, five healed by the power of God, and one delivered from demonic possession.
Randy Adams family - reported by Pastor Désiré
There were five baptized in Jesus' name, two received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and one was delivered.
Nick Sisco & Colleen Carter families
There was a successful National Council with regional reports totaling 842 having received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, 980 baptized in Jesus' name, and twenty-nine healings throughout the country in one year. There were also five new church buildings completed and two new preaching points established.
The pastors were recently inspired to reach the next generation at Teacher Training Seminars.
Jim Crumpacker & Patrick Groves families
In two months, a total of 186 were baptized in Jesus' name, 215 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and 356 healed of various infirmities. There were also 166 Home Bible studies taught, two new preaching points established, and forty-five backsliders restored.
Albert Stewart family
During regular services thirty-eight were baptized in Jesus' name and forty received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Chris Richardson family
Recently a group of 125-150 university students gathered to talk about establishing Campus Ministries. This is an exciting open door of ministry.
A church had a special revival, and fifty-seven received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Other local churches report seventy-eight who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fifty-six baptized in Jesus' name. One church had a deaf person healed, and others report several being set free from demon possession.
Gerry McLean family
One of the Bible school students baptized two of his brothers during a term break.
The missionary baptized fifty-five adult members in Jesus' name from one church during a special revival service.
One of the pastors baptized four in Jesus' name during a Friday night service and then prayed all four through to the Holy Spirit the next morning.
A first time visitor was asked to come forward for special prayer at the Bible school church. She was obviously pregnant and in great distress of soul. After prayer, she returned home, went into labor, and successfully delivered a baby boy. The interesting part of this story is that this was her fourth pregnancy. The previous three ended with C-sections and the death of all three babies. The mother gives God the glory for this successful natural child birth.
The Bible school church baptized six in Jesus' name, and two received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Randall Richardson family - reported by Sister Michèle
A church officially opened in the East.
The Pastoral Institute opened with twenty students.
The Bible Institute held a diploma's ceremony, and ten received their degrees after three years of study.
The first ladies conference had a daily attendance of thirty or more.
A pastor's brother was baptized in Jesus' name. His wife had been baptized and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit over a year ago. The brother was a former alcohol addict and lived totally in the world. After receiving much teaching from his brother, the pastor, the man agreed to be baptized.
Randall Richardson family - reported by Brother Mamy
The conference was blessed with the presence of the Lord. Many lives were touched and changed by the power of God. Two were baptized in Jesus' name, and about fifteen new contacts were recorded and need follow-up.
Sierra Leone
Area Coordinator, Randy Adams - reported by Rev. Christopher Conteh
The national board visited the provincial churches and was blessed by the way God is building the church. They also had a very productive three days of national prayer and fasting program with many in attendance. The church is excited about what God is going to do, how they will change, and how they will grow.
Randy Adams & Mike Benson families
A woman went into respiratory distress and stopped breathing. After the prayer of faith was prayed in Jesus' name, she began breathing again.
Phil Tolstad & Steve Phelps families
During a conference, eighty-seven received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and seventeen were baptized in Jesus' name. Two Trinitarian pastors are now receiving Bible studies on the Oneness. On the Sunday after the conference, fifty-eight were baptized in Jesus' name at a local church. One day was devoted to teaching on faith, and many miracles and healings were reported.
News from the Carvers
Dear Partners and Friends,

Praise the Lord!! It was precious to see these children worshiping with all their hearts, lifting up the Name of Lord in one accord. The Guest Speakers demonstrated to the Sunday School teachers how they can use new innovative ways to reach the PNG children. Surely they are the Church of tomorrow!!


- Ground-breaking Ceremony for our new Bible School Development in November
- Minister’s Conference in November
- National Youth Conference in Jan 2013
- Safety for the family
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The Carvers |
Friday, November 16, 2012
Hello from Korea
Today, as I contemplate what stories to share from my life here in Korea, I find that the first thing my fingers itch to type is a list of prayer requests for the nation, so here goes:
-Pray for a sweet grandmother who fairly recently began attending our church. Due to pressure from her family over the holidays, she has stopped attending.
-Pray for wisdom and direction for the church leadership.
-Pray for the upcoming national elections.
-Pray for the new AIMer recently arrived in Korea. She will be here for six months.
-Pray for the Bible college.
-Pray for the children, young people, and young adults in the Korean church. (and adults!)
-Pray regarding standards of holiness, inside and out.
-Pray for favor amongst the people of Korea.
The days are passing so quickly, and I often find myself shocked when I look at the calendar. I am grateful to God for the fulness which fills my days. I have made many new friends and have seen the "growth moments" in the lives of people with whom I go to church. I am thankful for this, even as I ache for more (myself included). The best is yet to come, and I rejoice in this fact.
Look for more updates from my life in Korea in my next post!
Thank you for sharing in this with me!
God bless,
-Pray for a sweet grandmother who fairly recently began attending our church. Due to pressure from her family over the holidays, she has stopped attending.
-Pray for wisdom and direction for the church leadership.
-Pray for the upcoming national elections.
-Pray for the new AIMer recently arrived in Korea. She will be here for six months.
-Pray for the Bible college.
-Pray for the children, young people, and young adults in the Korean church. (and adults!)
-Pray regarding standards of holiness, inside and out.
-Pray for favor amongst the people of Korea.
The days are passing so quickly, and I often find myself shocked when I look at the calendar. I am grateful to God for the fulness which fills my days. I have made many new friends and have seen the "growth moments" in the lives of people with whom I go to church. I am thankful for this, even as I ache for more (myself included). The best is yet to come, and I rejoice in this fact.
Look for more updates from my life in Korea in my next post!
Thank you for sharing in this with me!
God bless,
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Africa Network of Prayer, November
November Calendar Events
01 Nov MADAGASCAR Children's day in Ambohidratrimo (SS Division)
01 Nov CONGO (DRC) Kinshasa Prayer Emphasis-praying for Unity
01-02 Nov MADAGASCAR Married PKs' Seminar in Ampandrana
Guest Speakers: Monte & Dianne Showalter
01-03 Nov MAURITIUS National Ladies Retreat
01-03 Nov REUNION First National Ladies Conference
01-03 Nov GABON Prayer & Fasting
02 Nov CONGO (DRC) Kinshasa Prayer Emphasis-Praying for Nat'l Board
02-04 Nov CONGO (DRC) Opening of a new church in Musevu Mayi, Western Kasai
03 Nov ZIMBABWE Sunday School Outing
03 Nov CONGO (DRC) Youth meetings in each district of Kinshasa
04 Nov CONGO (DRC) Evangelism Harvest in Eastern Kasai
05-07 Nov CAMEROON Minister's and Wives Conference
07-09 Nov MADAGASCAR Marriage seminar Region E
07-10 Nov LIBERIA National Youth Conferece
08-11 Nov CAMEROON National Convention
08-11 Nov KENYA River Yala Revival in Lukhari
09-11 Nov NIGERIA Delta State Convention
09-11 Nov BURKINA FASO First Crusade in Bobo Dioulasso
10 Nov CONGO (DRC) Ministries' Leadership training meeting in Katanga East
10 Nov CONGO (DRC) Apostolic Men's Meeting in the districts of Kinshasa
11 Nov CONGO (DRC) Evangelism Harvest in Kasai Oriental
14-17 Nov KENYA Evangelism Board and Seminar
14-16 Nov GABON National Board Retreat
15 Nov CONGO (DRC) Ladies Meetings in each of the 3 districts of Kinshasa
16 Nov LIBERIA Section II, Pastors' meeting
16-18 Nov MAURITIUS Evangelistic Crusade at RocheBondieu, Rodrigues
17 Nov BURKINA FASO Ministers' Kids Event
17 Nov CONGO (DRC) Children's Crusade and Teachers' training in Kinshasa Province
18-21 Nov UGANDA Mt. Elgon Regional Conference
21-24 Nov KENYA National Board Meeting
22-24 Nov LIBERIA National Sunday School Workshop and Visitation
22-25 Nov KENYA Mt. Kenya Ladies' Convention in Kangemaga
22-25 Nov UGANDA Lake Victoria Regional Conference
23-24 Nov ZIMBABWE Midlands Conference
24 Nov CONGO (DRC) Kinshasa Provincial Board Meeting
24 Nov GABON Youth Day
25 Nov LIBERIA Pastor's appreciation service at Victory Tabernacle
25 Nov CONGO (DRC) Communion services in the local churches of Kinshasa
25 Nov ZIMBABWE Big Sunday (Midlands) at Amaveni Kwekwe
29 Nov-01 Dec KENYA National Crusade in Nakuru
28 Nov-02 Dec GABON National Conference
30 Nov LIBERIA National Leaders' Meeting
04 Nov AFRICA REGION Pray for Africa's Children
14 Nov GLOBALLY Pray for the French-speaking nations of the

Over 3,000 have died this year already from malaria in Burkina. Pray for our village pastors and their families. With threats of kidnaping just 3 hours north of our home and armed bandits moving around the south, we are feeling some uneasiness in Burkina. With Islamic militants being active in Mali, we are feeling the need to work harder while the doors are still open here.
I just returned from a weekend in the village. God has been good. We had revival services with Living Life Christian Ministries (Oneness Pentecostal) over the weekend, and I had three hours with their leadership on Saturday. 9 received the Holy Ghost and 10 were healed. Glory be to God!
We request prayer for the safe arrival of our National Superintendent, Steven Benda, on Nov. 2nd from his trip to the United States and the General Conference in St. Louis, MO.
This year's final National Board Meeting was different from the normal board meetings that are normally held each year. This time it included some special leadership training sessions brought by Missionary Monte Showalter. The National Board expressed that it was the best meeting they had ever had and left challenged to do more to see greater revival throughout the island nation of Madagascar. Sis. Dianne Showalter also had a few special sessions for the board wives, and they too were encouraged and challenged to help their husbands work even harder in the responsibilities they have been elected to fulfill. Business was also accomplished with several new church properties being purchased, assistance to several churches to finish putting a roofs on new church buildings before the rainy season sets in, and even assistance for some churches to help them begin building a new building before long. The ultimate goal is to eventually have land and buildings for every established UPC congregation all around Madagascar. Thank the Lord for continued growth and revival!
Pray for new church opening on the island of Rodrigues at AnseQuitor Corail. There were eight people who received the Holy Ghost during recent crusade at this new location. One was baptized, and there were twenty first-time visitors. Also, pray for all workers and their wives. Pray for AIMer Sister Ikerd. She needs prayer in regard to her "Visa Situation"
Needing prayer for the establishing of new strong churches, also for continued Leadership Training. Please continue to pray for peace and stability in the country.
During the recent West Nile Conference, there were 78 filled with the Holy Ghost and 17 were baptized in Jesus Name. Two Trinitarian pastors are having Bible Studies. We also had testimonies of many healings. Assisntant Superintendent Christia and Presbyter Mike Ogwal were special speakers.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Praying for Cyprus
We took time last night after service to pray for Cyprus. God moved in such a special way. We are so thankful for the Summers family, Missionaries to Cyprus. Bro. Summers really ministered to our church last night. God knows exactly where we are. He always ALWAYS comes through.
We are so thankful for our Missionaries, who GO into all the world to share the Gospel of Love.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Georgia Update
This month:
This month we began our new daughter work in the city of Khutaisi. We are sending our AIMer Daniel Detemple on the three hour journey to meet with about ten members of our church here in Tbilisi that were transfered by their university to Khutaisi. We see that God is opening the door there in that city and are doing our best to respond to it. Already there have been about 50 people who have said they were interested in attending a house church there.
Please Keep This work in prayer as we endeavor to see the Kingdom of God increase.
• Strength as we finish the work on the upstairs of our Tbilisi Facility.
• Finances to start on the downstairs.
• The new Congregation being planted in Khutaisi.
• Continued favor with those we meet.
Cooney Family Update
Remembering Momma Cooney
Each time my family re-enters the U.S. we always hit the ground running. This time was different. As we landed in July, we knew we were facing serious challenges. My mother Cathy Cooney was very sick and weak from a degenerative lung disease she had been battling for years. We were able to see her for one day before she became unconscious and eventually passed away. We thank the Lord for saving us this opportunity! Momma Cooney was raised in Ireland, immigrated to the U.S. in 1963 and became a U.S. citizen. When I was on AIM, I was able to take her back to her home town (Charleville, S. Ireland) and also to see her family that now reside throughout N. England….it was a great spiritual journey. She was a devout catholic, avid tea drinker & walker. She came into this wonderful truth in 2000, was baptized in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost “singing in tongues” on her initial infilling. If you had met her, you’d have thought she was Apostolic all her life, full of joy, loving life and this great Truth. Before her passing she was excited to know that our family was returning to Ireland to reach her people with this great Apostolic experience! Her memory will continue to live on in our hearts forever.
Deputation Update
We began our deputation (fund raising) travels at the beginning of August. We’ve already travelled through Ohio, Michigan, Ontario, Wisconsin, Virginia & N. Carolina. People have been baptized, received the Holy Ghost & miracles in our services! We give God glory for what He has already done, and thank those individuals & churches for taking us on with monthly support!
We had the privilege to attend School of Missions in St Louis at the end of August. It was a tremendous time of fellowship & ministry with 27 missionary families from all around the world. During a moving service, we were officially commissioned for ministry in Ireland. We thank the Global Missions staff for the planning of this event; it was a special time for us.
BLAZE EUROPE is a short term missions opportunity for you as an individual (Europeans and Middle Easterners only) to travel abroad to another country in Europe, be able to work with nationals in various forms of ministry, and participate in evangelism & reaching the lost for Christ! It gives you a chance to rub shoulders with & glean from pastors, revival ministries and others like you that are searching for the Will of God for their lives. You would get to experience different people, cultures and ways of life that you may by no other means be exposed to. You'll meet new friends, deepen your walk with God and be transformed forever. Sound interesting? Log onto www.eurosoulwinners.com and click on the BLAZE logo and then on "about BLAZE" to find out more. Go on "application" download, fill out and submit. You'll be contacted afterward by a BLAZE representative. There are also some great fund raising ideas available to help you get started in preparing for your trip.
Youth Congress “UPROAR” – Holland
A fantastic opportunity & event for youth all over Europe is taking place at the end of December 26-29. Be equipped for ministry during the Workshops Dec 26-27 & be inspired by great Apostolic preaching at Youth Congress, Dec 28-29. It’s highly recommended you attend both the Work Shops & Conference, but you have the choice to attend one or the other. Log onto www.eurosoulwinners.com and click on UPROAR link for work shops, speakers & conference schedule information. Preregister online for this life changing event that will catapult you into 2013 with fresh vision & purpose for your life! Also look for the UPROAR events Facebook page!
Hosts: Rev Matthew Tuttle and Rev Mark Shutes.
Newsletter from Geneva, Switzerland

During July, August and September, we had Sister Amber Hackenbruch with us in Geneva, and she did a fine job in teaching Bible Studies, helping with the AYC, leading services, helping with worship and many other aspects. She has been a gem to us here, and we will miss her while she is fundraising in Alaska before trying to come back to Europe! With her assistance we could reach more saints and visitors personally.

Prayer Requests and Financial Needs
- Development and implementation of discipleship program
- Music and ushering/greeting ministries to be strengthened
- Incoming AIM workers supporting Geneva
- A breakthrough in Lausanne in the church where they are meeting!
- Renewed initiative looking for a long-term meeting location in Geneva
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Vietnam Update
Baptist Meeting - South Vietnam
Our recent trip into Vietnam with Ryan Franklin from Alexandria, Louisiana and Anthony Needham from Stephens, Arkansas was a huge success.
We met with 75 Baptist home church leaders and their wives in South Vietnam for a one day seminar. After our teachings and Bro. Franklin’s anointed lesson on receiving the Holy Ghost, we led his entire group into the presence of the Lord. Several received the Holy Ghost and were baptized in Jesus’ name!
The past two years I have been trying to re-connect with former leaders I taught and baptized in the early 90s. Bro. Vo, a pastor and businessman I taught years ago, attended the Baptist seminar and was thrilled to have our Acts 2:38 message confirmed to his friends.
ACTS Bible College
We have 76 day students and 31 night school students enrolled this year at ACTS. Each year I try to find English speaking young people to train for the future work in Vietnam. Thanks to our friends and partners in the United States, the school is hosting five Vietnamese exchange students.
We also want to thank the POA of Alexandria, LA once again for providing 1/2 of each Bible school student’s tuition this year. We are also blessed to have Sis. Kendra Shock working with us at ACTS as an AIMer. She is the daughter of Bro. Terry & Sis. Melani Shock of Alexandria, LA.
Our recent trip into Vietnam with Ryan Franklin from Alexandria, Louisiana and Anthony Needham from Stephens, Arkansas was a huge success.
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Part of the Baptist Group |
We met with 75 Baptist home church leaders and their wives in South Vietnam for a one day seminar. After our teachings and Bro. Franklin’s anointed lesson on receiving the Holy Ghost, we led his entire group into the presence of the Lord. Several received the Holy Ghost and were baptized in Jesus’ name!
The past two years I have been trying to re-connect with former leaders I taught and baptized in the early 90s. Bro. Vo, a pastor and businessman I taught years ago, attended the Baptist seminar and was thrilled to have our Acts 2:38 message confirmed to his friends.
ACTS Bible College
We have 76 day students and 31 night school students enrolled this year at ACTS. Each year I try to find English speaking young people to train for the future work in Vietnam. Thanks to our friends and partners in the United States, the school is hosting five Vietnamese exchange students.
We also want to thank the POA of Alexandria, LA once again for providing 1/2 of each Bible school student’s tuition this year. We are also blessed to have Sis. Kendra Shock working with us at ACTS as an AIMer. She is the daughter of Bro. Terry & Sis. Melani Shock of Alexandria, LA.
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John Wolfram (right) and Bro. Vo. (Left) were reunited at the September seminar. Bro. Wolfram taught and baptized this man and his family in the early 90s. |
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Ryan Franklin (center) and Anthony Needham (left) are a great blessing to our work in Vietnam. This is the third trip for Bro. Franklin and second for Bro. Needham. |
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Pictured above are the five Vietnamese students we are training at our Manila Bible College this year. They represent five different groups I am working with. |
Revival Report from Barcelona
Holy Ghost Outpouring in September!
During the month of September, we have had a great outpouring of the Holy Ghost in our church in Barcelona. We are excited to have had over 20 people that have received the baptism of Holy Ghost for the first time and 12 that have been baptized in the name of Jesus.
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People receiving the Holy Ghost |
This month we began classes again in the Bible school in Barcelona. We have 46 students that are currently enrolled in our school. God is going to do great things through these that are committed to studying His Word.
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Bible School |
Thank you for supporting Sheaves for Christ. Your sacrifice helps missionaries to purchase vehicles on the foreign field. In this video is a short "thank you" from our family.
Sheaves for Christ Video
Deputation Schedule
We will be in:
Mississippi Sep 25-30
Tennessee Oct 9-21
Missouri Oct 23- Nov 4
Indiana Nov 6-18
Illinois Nov 27- Dec 16
Alabama Jan 2-13, 2013
BOTT Jan 15-17, 2013
Arkansas Jan 20 - Feb 3, 2013
Texas Feb 5 - 24, 2013
South Texas Feb 26 - Mar 24, 2013
Thank You!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain in Jesus' name!
God Bless,
Nathan, Tanya, Alaina and Lincoln Harrod
The Republic of Georgia Update
This month:
This month has been very busy and exciting. Our Sunday services have grown to average 110 a service. We are excited about what God is doing here in Tbilisi. We began our new Bible School semester at our training center with a total of 37 participants. 30 of them are in our “Discipleship” level, and seven are in our ministers training level. I cant wait to see how God will move in these lives. We baptized a young Georgian by the name of Georgi this month, and he is on fire for God. I am training him to be my translator for services since we have experienced an increase in Georgians that have been showing up at our services. This month we had 22 Georgians, 3 Indians, 3 Cameroonians, 9 Americans, and 78 Nigerians in one service. God is establishing an international work here in Tbilisi. Thank you to everyone who has invested into the work here in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Prayer Focus:
1. Safety during the Georgian Elections.
2. Provisions for the finances to complete the first floor of the facility.
3. Breakthrough in the Spirit.
4. A revelation of the Mighty God in Christ.
Building update:


We are celebrating the completion of the 2nd floor of our facility this month. The sanctuary, two bathrooms, and two small offices that double as a Sunday school class and a storage room have finally been completed. There are, of course, the usual small odds and ends to be finished, but God has made a way in the middle of what was thought impossible. I want to say thank you to every person that has made this possible. Thank you for allowing God to use you for the kingdom. Every chair, piece of drywall, screw and drop of paint have been a product of your giving to God. This is what the book of Acts talks about when it said they had all things in Common. You felt our need and responded to it. To God be the Glory.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Africa in Revival
Central African Republic
Mike Benson family
A total of thirteen received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, thirty were healed, and many were delivered.
Terry Riddick & Rusty Riddick families
In the first meeting with all the French speaking ministers, there were twenty-two ministers and many wives present. Some of these are already affiliated with our church, and several applied for affiliation. After a short teaching session, they moved around and prayed for each other's ministries and for unity. The power of God fell in a mighty way, and many said afterward they had never been in a meeting like that before. Please pray they will receive full truth.
Congo (Brazzaville)
Regional Missionary, Gistophe family
There were seven who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Equatorial Guinea
Regional Missionary, Peter Mua family
A total of five were baptized in Jesus' name, three received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and three were healed by the power of God.
Nick Sisco & Colleen Carter families
At National Youth Camp meeting, eighty-six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, thirty-three were baptized in Jesus' name, and several were healed. Eight of those baptized received the Holy Spirit in the water. Sunday's service had an attendance of 1,824.
Our presbyters report that twenty-three received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and ninety-six were baptized in Jesus' name.
Jim Crumpacker & Patrick Groves families
Throughout the country a total of ninety-four were baptized in Jesus' name, eighteen received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and twenty-nine were healed.
There were 174 home Bible studies taught.
One new preaching point was established.
Albert Stewart family
During regular services fifty were baptized in Jesus' name and sixty-four received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Chris Richardson family
Over 15,000 people attended National Conference, and 2,298 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
In fifteen local churches and two district conferences, a total of 208 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and eighty-two were baptized in Jesus' name.
At a Holy Ghost crusade in a major city of the northeast region, there were sixty-two baptized in Jesus' name and 134 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
AIMers, Chris Gibbs family
At General Conference seventy-seven received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and many were baptized in Jesus' name. A spirit of giving came over the conference as people literally gave the shoes off their feet; clothes from their backs; their cell phones; and also a large offering of monies.
A group of young people from North America came to visit the country and helped pass out 20,000 tracts and flyers. They also held two open air street services, and seventeen received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
During A-Team services 912 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and 141 were baptized in Jesus' name. Over 1500 attended the services, and the church has seen afresh what evangelism can do to a nation.
Regional Missionary, Cezar Moraes family
Praise the Lord for a good General Conference. A tremendous presence of the Lord was felt throughout. We also thank God for the great response when the preacher called the church to make the difference and follow the steps of the Early Church.
Gerry McLean family
Approximately 250 from twelve different states attended the first National Conference in one state. A total of twenty-eight received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and eight were baptized in Jesus' name.
One of our pastors prayed ten through to baptism of the Holy Spirit, and another baptized eleven in Jesus' name.
Randall Richardson family
A third church is soon to be opened in the east.
Richard Smoak family
In nine Regional Conferences, there were 2,165 in attendance, 221 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, forty-four were baptized in Jesus' name, forty were healed, and seven were delivered from demons.
While overseeing the new construction of a town church, the presbyter brought in six new members through evangelistic efforts.
The National Evangelism Director held an evangelism seminar for the Western regions, and twenty-three evangelists and pastors attended. There were six visitors who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
A developing central region opened two new village preaching points and one in town.
Apostolic Youth Corp: Twenty youth from North America ministered in two places. They passed out thousands of tracts, held street services and ministered in outdoor crusade services. A total of sixty-eight received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, thirty were healed, and four were baptized in Jesus' name with forty-three more ready for baptism after hearing the Jesus' name message for first time. Seventeen children also received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at a special Sunday children's service. There were also six demoniacs delivered.
At one city church, two babies were healed of strange illnesses through prayer.
In the North, a region opened two new preaching points. One of them had thirty-four in attendance, two demoniacs were delivered, six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and four were baptized in Jesus' name at the opening service.
In one city, two churches joined for a Sunday service where eight received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
A pastor passed out tracts and taught a Bible study on "60 questions on the Godhead" to twelve people while traveling on a bus to a regional conference.
A town church held nightly prayer meetings in the saint's homes for one month and through this added thirty-five new members to the church.
Neighboring churches in one region have planned to join together the middle Sunday of each month for special prayer and service.
Reports from six regions on Pass the Word personal Bible studies taught are 12,428 which takes the yearly total to 26,657.
Gary Abernathy family
At revival meetings four received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
One pastor from the North Western Province of the country shares this personal testimony of God's protection: "It was a bad day, but the Lord turned that 'Test into a Testimony.' I am alive! I was coming from church on Sunday and my car had a tire problem. As I waited for help; a Hilux Toyota lost control, hit me and threw me four meters away from where I was standing. How my bones never broke, I can't explain. Only Jesus can. How I never died, I can't explain. Only my Jesus can. I was left with a bit of serious bruises on my right hand, shoulder and a slightly deep cut on my left palm. However, God saved me for reasons only known by Heaven. It is beyond me. There and then, God provided a man to help me through with the pain I was feeling at the time."
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