This month:
This month has been very busy and exciting. Our Sunday services have grown to average 110 a service. We are excited about what God is doing here in Tbilisi. We began our new Bible School semester at our training center with a total of 37 participants. 30 of them are in our “Discipleship” level, and seven are in our ministers training level. I cant wait to see how God will move in these lives. We baptized a young Georgian by the name of Georgi this month, and he is on fire for God. I am training him to be my translator for services since we have experienced an increase in Georgians that have been showing up at our services. This month we had 22 Georgians, 3 Indians, 3 Cameroonians, 9 Americans, and 78 Nigerians in one service. God is establishing an international work here in Tbilisi. Thank you to everyone who has invested into the work here in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Prayer Focus:
1. Safety during the Georgian Elections.
2. Provisions for the finances to complete the first floor of the facility.
3. Breakthrough in the Spirit.
4. A revelation of the Mighty God in Christ.
Building update:

We are celebrating the completion of the 2nd floor of our facility this month. The sanctuary, two bathrooms, and two small offices that double as a Sunday school class and a storage room have finally been completed. There are, of course, the usual small odds and ends to be finished, but God has made a way in the middle of what was thought impossible. I want to say thank you to every person that has made this possible. Thank you for allowing God to use you for the kingdom. Every chair, piece of drywall, screw and drop of paint have been a product of your giving to God. This is what the book of Acts talks about when it said they had all things in Common. You felt our need and responded to it. To God be the Glory.
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