Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Wolframs: Vietnam & Philippines Update

I recently had an opportunity to expand my outreach to two new groups of people in Hanoi (far north Vietnam) and Saigon (south Vietnam).

The pastor in Hanoi is a very nice man who was formally a two-star General who fought for the North.  He gave up his military career to fulfill his calling for God.  His warm reception of our message was appreciated.  Two of the pastors who attended the meeting in Hanoi traveled more than four hours to attend.  I was invited to come back to this church in the future. Two more  invitations came about by this meeting in cities near Hanoi.

The seminar I taught in south Vietnam was also a a great contact.  This new group was a pleasant surprise.  I was introduced to this pastor by a family I baptized in the early ‘90s.  This group has a grasp of oneness, baptizes in  Jesus’s name and are all Spirit-filled.  I am thrilled to see our message being spread far and wide.  It is also heart-warming to know that the foundational teaching that I provided to many groups in the early ‘90s is still spreading.  This new group is an example of the trickle-down affect of those early days. 

Our five students from Vietnam are also doing great.  They are presently helping me translate lessons for my seminars.

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