Monday, December 29, 2014

Africa in Revival

Merry Christmas &
A Prosperous New Year from AFRICA!


There were two baptized in Jesus' name and two received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

During weekend services in a new church, the mother of the lady who helped open the new church received the Holy Spirit.


The Youth Marriage seminar was successful.

The Leadership seminar in one region was a great time in the presence of the Lord.

There were ten who graduated with their GATS Certificate from one extension school.


Throughout the nation there were sixty-seven baptized in Jesus' name and fifty-seven received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There were also 171 who claimed healings and 962 home Bible studies taught.


During a powerful Pastors and Leadership training seminar, three new people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, three were baptized in Jesus' name and three backsliders were renewed. About a dozen leaders renewed their service and commitment to the work of the Lord.

Missionary Alice Kline felt in a service to walk without her crutches and God instantly touched her knee. She has felt no pain since and has amazed all those present in the service and her physical therapist. She is working on regaining her strength and walking without a limp.

Prayer has prevailed and thankfully some of the political unrest has settled but not all. So please keep this nation in your prayers.


Throughout the island during two months a total of thirty-six were baptized in Jesus' name and fifty-six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

One pastor baptized twenty in Jesus' name and nineteen received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Another pastor baptized two pastors and twenty-three members from their churches.

Twenty-one graduated from the Bible school with a 2 year degree in theology.


Recently during the Sunday morning service in a newly affiliated church, there were at least twelve who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The pastor and his wife both testified that they have never experienced such an outpouring of the Spirit in that church. During another service at this same church, nine were baptized in Jesus' name and eight of them received the baptism of the Holy Spirit when they came up out of the water.

At another church four were baptized in Jesus' name and two received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

In the last month, there were four conferences:

The total attendance was over 1,070. There were sixty-eight baptized in Jesus' name and eighty-nine received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

There were at least ninety of our pastors in attendance as well as several Trinitarian pastors. Some of the Trinitarians are presently being taught Bible studies.

Monday, December 15, 2014

News from Mission Montreal

December 2014 

"For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, to me every knee shall bow, And every tongue shall confess to God." Romans 14:11

One of the joys of ministry in Quebec has been the coming together of so many different languages and cultures. French is the obvious one of course, but then along with our native English we have encountered so many others including: Swahili, Kurundi, Nepalese and Spanish.

Just this past Sunday we had the privilege of dedicating two beautiful children to the Lord whose family came from Ecuador just a few years ago. Nancy, the grandmother of these children, is one of those people who become integral to the growth of a church. Every Sunday she comes, and always with someone new alongside of her!

This past Sunday her Québécois husband, Gérard, attended for the first time and was deeply moved during the service. A spirit of repentance filled the altar and many surrendered their lives to the Lord. We will start a Bible study with Gérard soon.

As we sang this Sunday, in three languages, it struck me what the Lord is doing.  He is bringing people from all over the globe to North America. Yes, they may have come for a better life, for themselves and for their families but the Lord has a bigger plan. We are reaching into their lives with His love and salvation so that they can reach the people that they have the unique ability to minister to. Nancy has just returned home for a month to Ecuador with her son, Milton. Who knows who she will touch while she is there?

The field is the world and the Lord is bringing people together from the far corners of the globe for one last final thrust of harvest. We are so glad to play a part in it. Thanks so much for your support of His work in Quebec and beyond.

May you have a blessed Christmas and New Year!


Georgia Update

While we were sleeping.
Georgia update:

It is so exciting to hear all of the great reports flooding in from Tbilisi. AIMer Bro. Raymond Mason and family are doing a great job in keeping the momentum going while we are away. This month they started a new daughter work, that is in Russian and Georgian and had 8 visitors. They also had a record sunday attendance this year with 12 visitors attending. Thank you for all of your prayers and support to make this possible.

Deputation Begins
Laurissa and I, borrowed a VW bug from my dad, and headed to Connecticut for our first week of deputation. We are excited to see some of our great friends and supporters, and look forward to meeting new friends. If we are going to be in your area soon and you want to get together please let us know. Our schedule can be found by clicking HERE, and then choosing "Staten,Jared" in the dropdown menu. We hope to see many of you again on this deputation.

Shiloh Update
Shiloh had her MRI on Monday, and has a few more tests awaiting her. We are patiently waiting on the results. She has been such a trooper through all of the pocking and prodding. She has an unconquerable spirit and such a lovely joy that goes with her wherever she goes. God is doing great things. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers during this trying time.