Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Georgia on My Mind

Open Doors
This month has been a month of open doors

We have been working to establish a Pacific ministries house church here for the last several months. While we have had 15-20 young people from India and Sri Lanka come, it has been hard to get any commitment. However, God changed all of that this month. It started with two young Hindu men, who had never read the Bible before. I asked what they were interested in learning from the Bible. They asked about the end times. After a 30 minute discussion of things to come, one of the asked me what they must do to be saved. By the end of the study, they had both repented of their sins and are interested in learning more about baptism. 

Also, one of our young ladies from the church (a former muslim) was speaking with a young girl from India. The young girl has asked us to come and teach their house group of 15 people from India and Sri Lanka the oneness of God. God is opening the doors into this community in Georgia.

We are still in need of additional building funds in order to complete our Sunday School/ Bible School area. If you want to be a blessing, any amount will help. We currently have $100 in our Building fund with which to complete a $4,000 project. Thank you for helping the young people of Georgia with your support.

God has been so Good to us. God has provided in many ways. Thank you for your prayer. Last month we used all of our reserve moneys to put a few air conditioning units into the church. When the rent came due last week we did not have the money due to several issues, including the storm that hit Head Quarters. Sunday we had the best offering ever allowing us to cover the rent, and I did not mention it in any way to the church. Our church is made up of College students, so you can imagine how much of a miracle this is.
  • Pray that God would continue to supply for the remodeling of our training area.
  • Pray that God would continue to open doors.
  • Pray for our Higher Conference in October.

Thank you for all your prayers, and love.
Jared Staten and family

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