Friday, November 28, 2008

Prayer Requests

From Gary and Linda Reed (Middle East):
Please pray for our granddaughter Jaden Chloe Reed.

November 26, 2:55 p.m.
Brad, our son in the Middle East, has taken his daughter (our only grandchild) to the hospital. She is in ER with a strange malady. She has been vomiting and cannot walk. She is dizzy and loses her balance.

November 27, 1:06 p.m.
Thank you for your prayers on behalf of our granddaughter, Jaden Chloe Reed. She is still hospitalized in the Middle East, but has been moved out of isolation. The doctors conducted batteries of tests, and seem to feel it is a viral disease. They have done cultures to rule out bacterial infection and those results will be ready in a few days. However, she has been able to eat and her color is returning. Jaden is still very weak.

We would appreciate your prayers specifically for these things:
1. The doctors will find the cause and be able to treat her properly
2. God will heal her for His great name and His glory
3. Jaden will be walk again without difficulty.
4. Whatever is being accomplished in t he spirit world would be consummated so this little child can be whole again.
5. Finally, that Jaden, herself, will know the Lord Jesus has performed a miracle in her life - for His purpose and her future.

Thank you for your kindness and your faithful prayer. Brad and Vercinia are Aimers. They do not have the prayer support we, who are fully funded, experience. Right now, they need our 'extended family of God' to hold them up in this spiritual battle. It might be noted here that God is blessing this country in many ways. More have come to God in the last two months than all of last year. We trust in our Lord to heal this five year old for His glory, Thank you! God bless you!

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