Monday, August 20, 2012

Belize Praise Report

From Amy Sawyer (Belize):

Our very first District Convention in the Belize District was an outstanding success!

We were blessed by the ministry of Bro. Gary & Sis. Pat Vick, of Camden, TN.  Every service was explosive with the power of the Holy Ghost!  Overall there were 6 people, including 3 children, that were filled with the Holy Ghost, 1 person was baptized in Jesus' name, and 2 babies were dedicated.  There were healings that took place as well.  We are so thankful for what God is doing in this new district.

On Saturday, July 21, the nephew of one of our pastors was bitten by a crocodile while spear fishing.  He was bitten on his head.  His skull was broken and water from the lagoon had gotten in the wound onto his brain.  He was in the hospital on life support.  The doctor told the mother that there was no hope for the young man and that he was going to disconnect the life support.  She asked the doctor to please wait until Monday to do so.  She asked this because she didn't have enough money to pay the morgue to keep his body until Monday.  When I received the call asking for prayer, I was driving down the road with our convention guests.  We immediately had prayer for this young man.  In service that night, we prayed again.  By Sunday, the next day, he had come out of his coma and communicated with his family.  One week after his accident, he was released from the hospital and is completely okay!

During the last service of our convention, there was a time of special prayer for healing.  Brother Saul brought his 8 year old son, Osmond, for prayer.  For over a year a half, he has had some kind of infection in his eyes.  It was similar to pink-eye, but no medicine would help. His eyes were always slightly swollen and extremely red with visible infection.  After the doctors in Belize couldn't help the child, Brother Saul took him to Honduras to see doctors there.  Still there was no relief for his eyes.  Prayer was made at the convention, and this week when they came to service, Brother Saul happily showed us that Osmond's eyes are completely well!

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