Thursday, September 1, 2011

Uruguay Update: Michael and Ivonne Walmer

Thank You!

Hello from Uruguay, South America! Praise the Lord!

I wanted to sit down today and write a few lines to you, see how you are doing and let you know that we are enjoying the blessings of the Lord here in Uruguay. We are always very busy with different things, and it seems we never have dull moment.

The work is doing well; I have traveled a few times this month, one for the Bible School in Nuevo Berlin, on the western border, right on the Uruguay River, and another to a church anniversary way up north on the Brazilian border. I am planning another trip up the east side of Uruguay to visit several churches and pastors. I haven't been to these places since January. They need some attention.

Also in the month of August, we celebrated Children's Day at our local church; we invited the churches in Montevideo, and we had over 70 children come, many for the very first time including some of the parents as well. Sis. Ivonne and her team did an excellent job with puppets, clowns, music, drama presentation, games etc. Through this ministry, we got two new Home Bible Studies and many new contacts.

This coming September we have our "regional" conferences which would be the equivalent of district conference in the states. I will be attending but not speaking. We have an evangelist coming from Argentina to minister to each district. We look forward to his ministry.

We want to let you know we are on Facebook, and we are always posting news from the field, video clips of the different activities and churches where we are working, and also, prayer requests. We want to share with you what God is doing in Uruguay. You have a part in this work. Please feel free to visit us there and leave a comment. We sure appreciate you and your prayers on our behalf.

Greet your church for us and express our gratitude for all they have done for us. God bless you today and always!

With appreciation,
Michael & Ivonne Walmer
United Pentecostal Church International

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