Pray for Sister Diane Howell, wife of Rev. Bruce Howell, General Director of Global Missions, she needs a miracle, there is no known cure for the disease she has been diagnosed with, BUT our God specializes in miracles, let us therefore flood heaven with our prayers for her healing.
Pray for Sister Jan Affa, wife of Rev. Ohouo Antoine Affa, General Superintendent of the UPCI Cote d'Ivoire, has been diagnosed with stage 5 Leukemia. Let us join together in prayer for her, our God is bigger than Leukemia!
Continue to pray for comfort and peace for the Daka family in Zambia. Rev Daka, was the General Assistant Superintendent of Zambia, he passed from this life on earth on September 11th.
02 - MADAGASCAR- Sunday School Teachers Training Seminar (District E1)
03 - MADAGASCAR- Marriage Seminar (District D)
04- MADAGASCAR -District Seminnar (District G9)
04-05- UGANDA- Regional Prayer Conference (North Kyoga Region)
04-07- KENYA - North Rift Regional Ladies Convention
04-08 - BENIN- Oneness Seminar
04-16 - TANZANIA- National Bible School GATS Degree Level Coarse
05-07- MALAWI - Blantyre District Conference and
- Mwanza District Conference
05-06 - ZAMBIA- Regional Conference (Eastern Region)
06- UGANDA- Pastors Meeting (Kampala)
06 - MAURITIUS - Ministers Wives and Ladies Meeting
07 - KENYA - National Sacrificial Offering
09-12 - ZAMBIA- WISH Conference (Southern Region)
12-13 - ZAMBIA- Regional Conference (Southern Region)
13 - ZAMBIA - Youth Fundraising (Central Region)
13 - BURKINA FASO- National Children's Day of EUPI
13 - BENIN- Ladies Conference (Zou-Colline Region)
1 3- REPUBLIC OF CONGO - Youth Prayer Group
13 - LIBERIA - Section III leaders meeting
13-14 - TANZANIA- Board Meeting
14 - REPUBLIC OF CONGO - Prayer Service
15-16 - TANZANIA - Reaching Africa's Children and Youth Teacher Training Seminar (Iringa Region)
17- SIERRA LEONE - Holy Ghost Rally
17 - TANZANIA - Board Meeting
- Department Planning Meetings
17-21- TANZANIA - National Conference
18-21- UGANDA- Pastoral Training (Mt. Elgon)
18-20- ZAMBIA - Men's Apostolic Conference (Central Region)
18-21 - KENYA - Rock Regional Ladies Convention
- Yala Pastors/Leaders Seminar
19-20- ZAMBIA - Regional Conference (Lusaka)
19-21-UGANDA- Regional Ladies Conference (Southwest Region)
-Regional Ladies Conference (Lake Wamala Region - Kabowa)
19 - REPUBLIC OF CONGO - Prayer and Fasting
19-20 - MADAGASCAR - Seminar for Pastors, and associates and leaders of local churches (District H9/H10)
20 - REPUBLIC OF CONGO - Youth group review of the book of Luke
20-UGANDA- Open Air Evangelism / Kibuli (Kampala)
20-GABON- Evangelism in the city of Libreville
20-21 - MAURITIUS - Youth Evangelistic Service
21- LIBERIA - National Ladies Thanksgiving Service
22-24 -TANZANIA - National Board Meetings
23-24 - MADAGASCAR- Region H Committee Meeting
24-26-- MADAGASCAR - Marriage Seminar (Region D )
Men's prayer Meeting ( Regions G et H)
24-27- GHANA - Volta Region Jubilee Crusade
25-26- Otuke District Conference (North Kyoga District)
25-27 - KENYA - South Rift Region - Pastors /Men Seminar
25-28 - KENYA - North Rift Regional Convention
25-27 - BENIN - Pastors Seminar
26-27- ZAMBIA - Youth Fundraising and Camp meeting (Southern Region)
- Children's Teachers Seminar / Crusade
26 - MAURITIUS - Youth Prayer Meeting (GRNW)
26-28 - NIGERIA - Abuja State Convention
26-28 - MALAWI - Nsanje District Conference and
-Northern District Conference
27- MAURITIUS - DSD trip to Casela & Le Morne Beach
27 - MADAGASCAR - Seminar for Boy's and Girl's (Region H)
27- REPUBLIC OF CONGO - Teaching on the responsibilities of the Youth in the Church
27-28-UGANDA-Source of Nile Jinja District Conference
27-LIBERIA -Sunday School Teacher Training Seminar
28-LIBERIA-Section III fellowship service
28 - REPUBLIC OF CONGO - Prayer for local churches and the pastors.
28- GABON- Spiritual Retreat for Preachers
31-02 November - MADAGASCAR- Marriage Seminar( Region A)
Prayer for new churches established and new converts won recently in Equatoria and Upper Nile Regions.
Pray that God would provide places of worship for all our new churches as some are meeting under trees.
Pray that God will establish these new believers in the faith and protect them from the attack of the enemy.
Please pray for our upcoming leadership training seminars in Equatoria Region.
Pray for a breakthrough in the northern region for more churches and souls to be saved in this unreached area of Malawi!!
Continue to pray for Cameroon for peace and stability in Cameroon- Fighting is still taking place with people are being killed in the English and French sections of Cameroon.
Please help us pray that God will help us find and purchase land for a Bible School Building.
Please continue to pray for Niger. We have seen a breakthrough in the church but need prayer due to terrorist activity. Getting through immigration at the airport is getting increasingly more difficult. Roads outside the city toward Burkina are considered in red zone and are impassable. Still, God is doing great things in Niger regardless of the obstacles. He is faithful.
In the northern region in Karonga a new work has been started! Karonga is on the border of Tanzania, where we have no churches in this area...Rejoicing over this breakthrough!!
A second "new" preaching point has been established in the capital. Praise the Lord!
We thank God for the national fasting and prayer chain.
"How beautiful on the Mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news. The good news of peace and salvation" - Isaiah 52:7
National Conference 2018: 2,030 people were filled with the Holy Spirit and forty-two (42)
graduated from Bible School during the Conference.
In Tsiroanomandidy, Madagascar (West Region) Twenty-three (23) baptized in Jesus' Name and nineteen (19) filled with the Holy Ghost in a recent revival.
Ninety-Eight (98) people were baptized, One Hundred Seventy-Six (176) people received the Holy Spirit and Two Hundred Forty-Six People were healed. Eight (8) Preaching points were started.
Mara region Sixty-nine (69) people received the Holy Spirit, and Twenty-three (23) People were healed.
Monthly evangelism outreach fifty (50) people received the Holy Spirit and Five (5) people were healed.
Seventy- Seven (77) people were baptized in the civil prisons at Tsevie and at Kpalimé in Togo.
Ninety-Eight (98) people were baptized in the Plateau Region and four (4) people in one local church.
During a Revival service, eighty-five (85) people were healed, 35 people received the Holy Ghost and twenty-nine (29) people were baptized in Jesus name.
Sixty- two (62) people were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ eighty eight (88) people were filled with the Holy Ghost
Thirty-Two (32) people received the Holy Spirit and Thirty-two (32) people were baptized in Jesus name! Sixteen (16) people were renewed in the Holy Spirit.
Nineteen (19) people received the Holy Spirit during a recent conference.
Six (6) people received the Holy Spirit at one local church.
Recently over eighty (80) people were baptized in the new Regions of Equatoria and Upper Nile. As a result we started 4 new churches.
In a two week period the report from thirty local churches reported that 451 people received the Holy Ghost, and 311 people were baptized, and 12 churches were started from 01 September - 12 September.
CAMEROON - Sunday September 2
Five (5) people were baptized in Jesus name at one local church.
BENIN - Sept 1
Twelve (12) people received the Holy Spirit .
One hundred and one (101) filled with the Holy Ghost; One hundred and twelve (112) baptized in Jesus Name; Fifty-eight+ (58) received their healings from various diseases!
Eight (8) received the Holy Spirit over one weekend and Eleven (11) people were baptized at one of our new preaching points.
OCTOBER 4 - Focused Prayer for Africa's Children
Missionary Paula Richardson - Coordinator for Reaching Africa's Children and Youth. AFRICA is the world's "youngest" continent. Continue to pray for the 600 million children and youth of Africa. Teacher Training Seminars are equipping our Sunday School Teachers and Youth Teachers to be better prepared for the revival among the children and youth of Africa.
Statistically, when children are reached with the Gospel, they remain true to the Gospel. The future of Africa's church is strong!
Thank you for your prayers and financial support toward reaching Africa's children and youth.
October 14 - Focused Prayer for French Nations
Praying that revival continues to grow among the French Speaking Nations and peoples of Africa. God is working and opening doors into French speaking nations and He is working in nations that we are not able to report about. Continue to go into these Nations through your prayers, because God is hearing and answering our prayers.
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Carolyn Adams, Coordinator ANOP |
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