Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Summer '18 Update - Paris, France and New Normals


Summer has settled here in France and we want to take a moment to update you about everything that’s happened since we arrived in Paris. Upon our arrival, we hit the ground running, and we feel like we’ve been going nonstop since then. We are thankful for the opportunities before us, and look forward to the future here.

Since relocating here, Jen and I have taken up roles assisting at Paris Centre Church where Missionaries Paul and Darla Brochu pastor. We support them with various administrative functions, have helped launch their small group ministry, are connecting with people in the area, developing branding, designing new digital workflows, creating marketing collateral and working to train members of the congregation in these areas. Additionally, we share the load of the preaching and teaching ministry to relieve some of the load from Pastor Brochu. We love this fellowship of believers in Paris and count it a privilege to worship with and serve them.

During our time here, we have seen several people baptized in water and filled with the Holy Spirit. People have been healed by the hand of God, and others have been delivered from evil spirits. We are experiencing a book of Acts church as God works to reach the people of Paris!

Recently, we were in the Middle East for strategic planning meetings. We serve our EME Regional Director, Michael Tuttle, in administrative areas and were part of these planning meetings in that capacity. It was an absolutely incredible experience to be in the Middle East and see what is happening there. We saw people filled with the Spirit and miraculously healed. Sharing time and experiences with the Omani people was truly life-changing. How kind and gracious they were to us. Time, space, and security would not permit us to talk about all the AWESOME things that God is doing in our region! We are extremely thankful to be living in these exciting times! (We will not be sharing photos of these services for security reasons.)

On Pentecost weekend, the UPC of France hosted its Pentecost Convention in Melun with several hundred people present for the meetings. Our Global Missions Director, Bruce Howell, preached powerful messages and several people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We are grateful that he and his wife were able to be in France for a few days.

We have been blessed to return to Holland a couple of times in the past few months since moving, and were able to minister in the churches there. It’s great to see new faces as the work grows under the leadership of Missionaries Allan and Carla Calhoun. They have launched new works in the country with new people meeting there. We rejoice with them at the great things happening in Holland. Within a couple of months of us leaving Holland, three people who were much loved by us pass away. Please pray for the families and the close group of believers as they adjust to new normal without their loved ones.

We encourage you to follow us on our social media outlets to see the activities in which we are involved. We regularly post interesting photos and videos.

Once again, we thank you all for your love, prayers and support!

Baron & Jen Carson
Associate Missionaries to France



Camel riding in Muscat, Oman
The most famous tower in the world
Enjoying an evening of fellowship with missionary Brochu, Pastor David Stovall & daughter Gianna, Jen & Baron, Global Missions Director Bro & Sister Howell
Pyramid in front of the Louvre
Traditional Omani meal on the floor
Enjoying time with family in Paris
Notre Dame at night
Another soul takes on the Name of Jesus
The desert outside of our hotel in Oman
The ladies touring a mosque
Ministering in Melun with Pastor Nowacki
2018 ACRC Delegation
Sacré-Cœur Basilica in Paris
With our Regional Directors, Mike and Dianna Tuttle, at Paris Centre Church

Feel free to reach out to us anytime. We love to connect with you!

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