Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Aiming for Holland: News from the Netherlands

Hello from Holland! We are thrilled with the things that God continues to do in this country. Our newsletters are to keep you informed of our work here and to help you feel connected to the church in Holland.


This year has been a year of Victory. Year to date we have baptized or seen 75 people filled with the Holy Ghost. The last seven weeks at least two people have been baptized in Jesus name every week! We are excited about what God is doing.  We are thankful for the many young people that have been added to the church in the last few months. Our youth group has tripled in number and is growing in God. To God be the glory. 

Sis Laura

There has been a great interest in Home Bible Studies by brand new converts and saints who are desiring to be taught more of the Bible. We had more people wanting Bible Studies than we had nights available to teach them all. This need along with the need to fellowship with the new converts brought about this evening of Bible Study and Volleyball. It has been a great way for us to teach more families the Word of God and build closer relationships with them. It is a very enjoyable evening!

Children's Church

This is our Wednesday night Children's Church. Sister Tuttle started this six months ago with four children, and now they average fourteen kids on Wednesday night. Please pray that God will fill them with the Holy Ghost.

Please remember these needs when you pray for Holland:

    Church Leadership  
    The city of Ede.

George Thomas Sparks


Matthew's grandfather passed November 6th, 2011. Brother Sparks was a GREAT man and made a very big impact on our families life. Brother Sparks also gave several years of his life to the work in Holland as an AIM worker. Special thanks to Pastor Harold Linder for making it possible for Matthew to attend his grandfather's funeral.

AS AIM workers we are totally dependent upon the support of our friends and family back home. We have extended our stay in The Netherlands for another year and are in need of financial support. Please keep this in your prayers and if you are able to contribute to our ministry. Thank you!

Thank you to all who have joined with us in our burden for Holland. We see the effects of your prayers. Without your financial support, we could not be free to do what God has called us to do in The Netherlands.

Matthew & Michelle Tuttle

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