"Every movement for the advancement of the Gospel must be created by and inspired by prayer. In all these movements of God, prayer precedes and attends as an invariable and necessary condition. In this relation, God makes prayer identical in force and power with Himself and says to those on earth who pray: "You are on the earth to carry on My cause. I am in heaven, the Lord of all, the Maker of all, the Holy One of all. Now whatever you need for My cause, ask Me and I will do it. Shape the future by your prayers... I made heaven and earth, and all things in them. Ask largely. Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. It is My work which you are doing. It concerns My cause. Be prompt...in praying."
E.M. Bounds, - The Weapon of Prayer - Enhanced Version
01-03 - MADAGASCAR - Marriage Seminar - Region E- llakaka
- Marriage Seminar Region E- Fort Dauphin
02- MAURITIUS - Youth Trip to the Seaside
03- UGANDA - Pastors Meeting (Kampala)
03-ZAMBIA - Youth Fundraising - Copperbelt Region
04-ZAMBIA - National Offering (all churches)
05-08 - MALAWI- GETHSEMANE -Leadership Training
05-11 - NIGERIA - H.O.P.E Week
06-09 - MADAGASCAR - General Committee Meeting (Camp at Ambohidratrimo)
07-09 - NIGERIA - Enugu State Convention
08-10 - ZAMBIA - WISH Conference (Copperbelt Region)
08 - UGANDA - Regional Board Meeting ( North Kyoga Region)
09 - LIBERIA - National Board Meeting
10 - LIBERIA- National Leaders Meeting
10 - ZAMBIA - Youth Fundraising (Lusaka)
10 - MAURITIUS - Sunday School Teachers & Helpers Meeting
11 - MAURITIUS - Youth Bible Quizzing
11-12 - UGANDA - Crusade (Buhemba , Lake Victoria Region)
14-16 - NIGERIA - Kaduna State Convention
14-16 -TOGO - Ministers and Wives Spiritual Retreat (Adétikopé)
14-16 - GUINEA - Revival
14-17 - UGANDA- Board Members/ Leaders Training
15-16 - MALAWI - S.A.L.T. Training Seminar
15-17 - ZAMBIA - Regional Apostolic Men Conference (Lusaka)
15-18 - ZAMBIA - Youth Fundraising/Camp Meeting (Northern Region)
16-17 - BURUNDI-Teachers Training Seminar (Bujumbura)
16-18 - BURKINA FASO - Crusade - Zongo Church
17 November -01 December - DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO - Meeting of Sunday School Teachers
17 - MAURITIUS - Ladies Meeting
18 - MAURITIUS - Ladies and Men's Meeting
20-23 - LIBERIA- National Youth Revival
21-24 - LIBERIA- Conference - Section IV
21-24 - GHANA - Jubilee Crusade
21-24 - MAURITIUS - Retreat 2018
23-24 - NIGERIA - MTC graduation - Lagos
23-25 - UGANDA - Seminar (Kamusanene (Aligandira, Lake Wamala Region)
23-25 - UGANDA - District Conference (Kabarole, Region Mt. Rwenzori)
25 - UGANDA - Open Air Evangelism (Kampala)
25- LIBERIA - Pastors Appreciation Day - Section I
29 - LIBERIA - Pastors Appreciation Day - Section III
29-01 December - ZAMBIA - WISH Conference (Lusaka)
29-02 December - UGANDA - Regional Ladies Conference ( Mahulu, Lake Albert Region)
Pray for Randriamanantsoa Gilbert for healing from Cancer, we believe that God will perform a miracle for him.
Pray the families of Pastor Herizo and Pastor Rinochard- two of our National Youth committee members were in a bus accident. The newly-elected secretary (Pastor Herizo ) was killed along with at least six other people in the bus) and the out-going secretary, Pastor Rinochard was injured, Please pray for all the families but especially the family of Pastor Herizo. He left behind a young wife and a 10 month- old baby.
Pray for the Regional Missionaries Rene and Clarice Gistoph - they lost an adult son.
Missionary Ken Cantrell's dad passed away, please pray for his mother.
By God's grace, we are continuing our evangelism/training targeting two new regions of South Sudan, Upper Nile & Equatoria but please pray the Lord will open doors and provide protection for all those travelling and ministering in these regions. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
Sister Aliette Bovalo one of the Reunion preachers is scheduled for several chemotherapeutic sessions. Please pray for her healing.
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO - Les assemblées locales à Kinshasa
Pray for the finances to finish a Church Building; the stability of our churches ;Great revival in the providence; Pray healing for the wife of Pastor Guylain, sister Nelly; Apostolic Bible Studies by correspondence.
Pray for:
- our teens at Chinonanquila for them to keep the word of God in their hearts, for them to decide to serve God, for them to keep serving him and seeking for the new birth so they can make the difference in Mozambique.
- the numerical and spiritual growth of the church at Polana Caniço B.
- those that have already finished the bible studies and are making their decisions.
- those that are involved in the conducting of the service for the continual outpouring of the Holy Ghost over each one of them.
- the two congregations, during the 3 months that we will be away, so that not only they remain firm but that they continue growing both numerically and spiritually and experiencing the richest of Gods blessings and wonderful things coming from the Lord.
1 Chronicles 16:24
"Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous deeds among all peoples"
We are grateful to God for National Ladies Thanksgiving Service. We thank God for the out pouring of the Holy Ghost in our local churches. To God be the glory for the great things He is doing in the UPCL.
We praise God for the different Ministries of the Church.
At our recent Bible School graduation, sixty (60) students graduated. A total of one hundred fifty-four (154) full-time students are enrolled at three campuses.
We thank the Lord for four (4) people that were baptized. God is great and He will save our families.
Oct 3 received a report of the results from evangelism in the Equatoria Region. Thirty-One (31) people were baptized in Jebel Dinka and eight (8) were baptized in Khor William including, three (3) area Chiefs. Several Children were also dedicated and one (1) person received the Holy Ghost.
GATS Graduation: forty-five (45) students graduated, same week six (6) people received the Holy Spirit. October 5-7 there were five ( 5) people that the Holy Spirit; three (3) people were delivered from demons; seven (7) people were healed; twenty (20) people are waiting to be baptized, (because they could not find water in the area).
Seventy-one (71) people were baptized; Ninety-Nine (99) people received the Holy Spirit; Sixty-Four (64) people were healed.
Morogoro region: a nursery school was opened and also a preaching point was established.
Mbeya region: A teacher from the Zambia border area was prayed for and healed. He was baptized and received the Holy Ghost and is now planning to open a preaching point in the area where he lives, and a new preaching point was opened at the Mbeya/Malawi roads intersection with 15 members.
There have been fifteen (15) Teacher Training Seminars since December 2017. One hundred fifty-four (154) teachers completed the course and received their certificate.
Un-named Nation
A new church has been started, there are now 2 worship centers, please continue to pray for this un-named nation (God knows the name). They have baptized four (4) from the new church. We praise God for the great things He is doing among these people.
One hundred seventy-three (173) people were baptized and one hundred sixty five (165) people were filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
NOVEMBER 4 - Focused Prayer for Africa's Children
Missionary Paula Richardson - Coordinator for Reaching Africa's Children and Youth.
Continue to pray for the 600 million children and youth of Africa.
Continuing with the Teachers Training Seminars in each nation on the African Continent where we have an established work
Below is what has been recorded:
Tanzania - fifteen (15) seminars for a total of 154 certificates issued
Kenya - 20 certificates
Ghana - three (3) seminars - 73 certificates
Togo - 144 certificates
Benin - 77 certificates
Gabon - 36 certificates
South Africa - 37 certificates (21 children filled with the Holy Spirit)
Zambia - 107 certificates (103 children filled with the Holy Spirit)
Malawi - 185 certificates (587 children filled with the Holy Spirit)
Seychelles - 11 certificates
eSwatini (Swaziland) - 26 certificates
Madagascar - eight (8) seminars - 2,405 certificates
Total certificates issued: 3,275
We are so grateful for the committee members of "Reaching Africa's Youth and Children": Paula Richardson (Coordinator) Beth Ikerd and Pamela Sisco, who have worked in their sub-regions to oversee several of these seminars. We continue to develop literature and promote children's ministry and youth ministry across the region. Madagascar, recently had two seminars, one for the young men and one for the young ladies. There were over 1,000 young people in attendance. We're thankful for leaders who are capturing a vision for the importance of reaching Africa's children and youth.
NOVEMBER 14 - Focused Prayer for French Nations
Praying that revival continues to grow among the French Speaking Nations and peoples of Africa. God is working and opening doors into French speaking nations where we have contacts but no established church. God is working in the nations, continue to pray, God is hearing and answering our prayers.
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Carolyn Adams, Coordinator ANOP |
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