Monday, April 30, 2012

Goodrum Update

 Eleven more men were baptized in January in the prison where we continue to preach and teach every Thursday afternoon.

With a new trailer to haul all the equipment, the evangelism team has already facilitated two 3-day tent revivals—better known here as a Campaña Evangelistica—with many more to come in the future, Lord willing. The revivals in Pilar and Maramburé both included a special children’s service, and a total of 9 people received the Holy Ghost and 3 were baptized!

We have kept the duplicator busy printing thousands of invitations to special events and tracts that boldly share the Acts 2:38 message; our Bible college students have kept busy handing them out everywhere they go! We are sowing the seed! Please pray with us for the upcoming campañas in Encarnación and Ciudad del Este during May and June. As always, we thank you for partnering with us in prayer and finances! God bless you!
Vlad shared the Word prior to a baptism in a beautiful place called La Colmena.

Samuel celebrated his fourth birthday with preschool friends at New Heights School.

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