Saturday, February 11, 2012

Paraguay Update

 We would like to sincerely wish all of our partners and friends a blessed 2012, as well as express our gratitude for your faithful support and prayers on our behalf during 2011. We are thankful to have arrived safely back to the field in December and are continuing to believe God for miracles, revival and victory both in our family and in the work of God in Paraguay.  The next months will be busy with Bible school, in the area of promotions as well as teaching in the central location and traveling to encourage and oversee the extension program. We will also be promoting missions giving in the local churches for the purpose of starting new works in unchurched areas of the country. And very enthusiastically we will promote national evangelism through tent revivals and the printing and distribution of tracts and Bible studies. Thank you for praying and believing with us concerning these different avenues of training and outreach. The goal is souls!


Last year a new addition of offices and a kitchen/lunchroom was built onto the school, relieving the strain on the space and facilities at the central church. Also, government approval was granted to open the next grade, which means the Christian education is now available for preschool through the seventh grade. Many thanks to all who have given and who continue to give in support of New Heights School and the children and families whose lives and futures are being changed one day at a time.

Pictured at right is Ever Romero, a young man who was baptized and received the Holy Ghost last year during the weekly prison services. He was recently released, began attending church, and has a passion to go back into the prison preaching the name of Jesus!

Special appreciation to Sis. Janet Homann, AIMer, for nine months of dedicated service in Paraguay. Thank you for praying, teaching English in the school, and loving souls! May the Lord supply the need so you can quickly return and continue living your dream!

S P E C I A L  P R A Y E R  N E E D S  

These upcoming events:
          Youth Camps—January 12-18
          Children’s Retreat—January 26-28
          Evangelistic Campaign in Pilar—Feb. 16-18
          Evangelistic Campaign in La Colmena—March 23-25
Our youth of the UPC of Paraguay
Elisha and Samuel during this time of readjustment 

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