Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Georgia Harvest Newsletter

First Ever:

July was a month of first for us here in Georgia. We hosted our first ever Holy Ghost rally and General Conference all in the same week. We started the month off with Pastor J.E. Staten from Washington DC, visiting us and helping us to prepare for what God would do. He helped to build our faith and prepare us to expect great things. During that week the church passed out 10,000 invitation cards to people on the street. This was a huge step for us. Just five years ago such an action could have gotten you killed. With the invitations passed out, our church was ready for God to do great things. You could feel the expectancy building. Missionary Mark Schutes arrived and preached our Holy Ghost rally on Saturday night. Four people were healed, and several of the church renewed in the Holy Ghost. On Sunday, one received the Holy Ghost and I baptized him in my bathtub that night. On Monday and Tuesday, we held our business meetings and adopted the United Apostolic Church of Georgia constitution, as well as licensed Iracle Toria.

1, 2 , 3, 4, and more:

In June we saw God begin to great things. We had four people receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and were baptized in the name of Jesus. This is just the beginning of what God is doing here in Tbilisi. We are so privileged to be a part of the Church here. We are going to start targeting two areas in September to plant a church. We know that God will do great thing.

That God would give us the victory in the Gl’dani, and Varketili regions of Tbilisi. Pray that God would open the door to key people so that we may plant two churches there this year.

Pray for...

1. Vision for our leaders
2. Continued direction
3. Facilities for Children’s Church
4. A spirit of worship
5. Excitement in the church
6. Freedom of the HolyGhost
7. Pastor Gia and Maia
8. Binding of false doctrine
9. Continued safety

The Big Picture:

There are moments when all of us get a glimpse of what God is doing in us. Sometimes that glimpse is exciting, and sometimes it brings great pain. I think, perhaps, the best part no matter what we glimpse is that we gain a reassurance that God is still at work in our lives. Without this reassurance of a living moving God, we would be no different than any other religion in this world. I am so thankful that I serve the one true living God, who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I could even think to ask for. It is his spirit that makes intercession for me when I don’t know what else to do. Without His spirit I would be left to my flesh. There is no surer doom I could face than what my flesh would do if left in power. Without God all things are impossible but, with God, I can do all things. Even if that means starting churches in a region of the world that was known for violence towards the true church.

Jared R Staten

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Thank you all for your great support. We can feel your prayers aiding us at every turn. Without you it is impossible to do what we are doing here in Georgia.

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