Monday, August 15, 2011

Africa in Revival - August

Burkina Faso
Ken Cantrell Family

Recently, the church held its first crusade in a heavily Islamic neighborhood. The first night there were over 300 in attendance. People were reserved and apprehensive. The second night there were over 500 in attendance. The atmosphere and faith were different, and the crowd literally ran to the altar. Twenty-five received the Holy Spirit. The following Sunday, the church had doubled in attendance and ten were baptized in Jesus' name.

Terry Riddick & Rusty Riddick families

At a sectional youth convention, twelve received the Holy Spirit.

At a local church prayer meeting, three received the Holy Spirit and nine were baptized in Jesus' name. A teen was also healed after eleven years of living with chronic pain.

Jim Poitras, Colleen Carter, & Nick Sisco families

The church celebrated thirty years in the Northern sector of the country. During the special services, fifty-nine received the Holy Spirit, twenty-seven were baptized in Jesus' name, and fifteen testified of healing.

The Ministers and Minister's Wives Conference had about 140 in attendance. It was a blessed time of refreshing in the Lord.

During other services attended by missionaries, eight received the Holy Spirit.

One new church plant has been started with seven receiving the Holy Spirit and eight being baptized so far.

Albert Stewart family

During regular services twenty were baptized in Jesus' name and eighteen received the Holy Spirit.

Chris Richardson family

At a Holy Ghost Crusade in a Home Missions Church, eighty received the Holy Spirit.

At a Children's Day in one of the capital city churches, fifty-six children received the Holy Spirit.

Gerry McLean family

During three days of special services, one pastor baptized thirty in Jesus' name.

While rebuilding a church that was destroyed in a storm, the mason, who is also a recent graduate of the Bible school, baptized fifteen in Jesus' name and prayed eight through to the Holy Spirit, including the pastor's son.

A four man evangelism team from the Bible school presented the message of One God and Jesus Name baptism to a village where this message had never been preached. They gathered sixty people in their first service and baptized twelve in Jesus' name.

During revival services in one state, twelve were baptized in Jesus' name and several received the Holy Spirit.

Randall Richardson family; reported by Pastor Magerman from South Africa

At National Conference, ten received the Holy Spirit and two were baptized in Jesus' name.

Richard Smoak family

At a Bible school dedication in one region, a total of twenty-three received the Holy Spirit and two were baptized in Jesus' name. The Bible school was also dedicated to the memory of Sister Evelyn Knight.

A woman walking past a crusade service in another region was thrown to the ground by demonic spirits. She thrashed on the ground until some pastors and saints took her to the church. At the end of the prayer time, two women and a teenage girl had received deliverance.

At five regional conferences, there was a seminar attendance of 992 and crusade attendance of over 2,000. During the services ninety-two received the Holy Spirit, seventy were baptized in Jesus' name, thirty-two were healed, and many were delivered from demonic depression.

Several who received the Holy Spirit were to be baptized once they reached home.

Randy Adams & Mike Benson families; reported by AIMer Jaydie Johnson

In regular church services, sixteen received the Holy Spirit, ten were baptized in Jesus' name, three were delivered from demons, and twenty-two claimed healing.

Phil Tolstad & Steve Phelps families

There are seventeen new churches.

One pastor was chased from his church because he was baptized in Jesus' name, and the man he had bought the land from was upset he had joined the Apostolic church. God provided a better piece of land on a main road, and the pastor testified to the missionary, 'Truth is very valuable."

At one place, nineteen received the Holy Spirit on one Sunday.

At a prayer meeting in one region, there were many miracles and several Islamic people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

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