Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Africa in Revival - June

Randy Adams family

During Pentecost weekend, at two locations, forty-one received the Holy Spirit.

reported by Pastor Lesang

On Pentecost Sunday, six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Equatorial Guinea
Regional Missionary Peter Mua family

Six received the Holy Spirit, six were baptized in Jesus' name, and three reported healing by the power of God.

Randy Adams family

A pastor who was recently baptized in Jesus' name received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday.

During the weekend of Pentecost, two were baptized in Jesus' name and five received the Holy Spirit.

Jim Poitras, Colleen Carter, & Nick Sisco families

A total of 191 received the Holy Spirit, and 128 were baptized in Jesus' name.

One preaching point was started.

Jim Crumpacker & Patrick Groves families

A total of 119 were baptized in Jesus' name, and eighty-seven received the Holy Spirit.

Two preaching points were opened.


Albert Stewart family

During regular services, 110 were baptized in Jesus' name and seventy-three received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Gerry McLean family

A new church was dedicated with over 200 in attendance.

Two new non-UPC Bible school students were baptized in Jesus' name.

One pastor baptized five in Jesus' name.

Randy Adams & Mike Benson families

During the weekend of Pentecost, at the eight locations reporting, sixty-one received the Holy Spirit and fifteen were baptized in Jesus' name. One was also delivered.


Phil Tolstad & Steve Phelps families

In six regions, a total of 269 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and 135 were baptized in Jesus' name.

Fifteen new churches started.

Three churches have bought land and are building new buildings.

A presbyter and pastor prayed for a woman who was demon possessed and living in a cave. She was delivered and returned to her family full of the Holy Spirit and baptized in Jesus' name. Her family was also saved.

A village experienced revival when two demonic women involved in witchcraft were delivered and restored to their families.

A seventeen year old girl was attending church and being sought by her uncle to be a sacrifice for witchcraft. They had already prepared her funeral and grave, but she received the Holy Spirit and was baptized in Jesus' name during a prayer meeting.


Gary Abernathy family

Recently over 1,000 ladies attended special services and eight received the Holy Spirit.

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