The Central District covers Mexico City and surrounding areas. In all, we are reaching in this Central District around 25 million people. We now have 108 Churches and Missions, with over 5,500 baptized believers. Some of these Churches today have several hundred members.
We are so thankful that here in one Mega-city there were thousands baptized in the Precious Name of Jesus and filled with the Spirit of the Lord.
The first Monday night of every month, we have a monthly Pastors' gathering, where most of them are there, excitedly reporting how many they baptized and how many were filled with the Holy Spirit during the past month. Last night we had a glorious monthly meeting, where between all, there were 275 baptized last month and 366 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit - that's just in Mexico City! To God be the Glory!
THE LOCAL CHURCH THAT WE PASTOR IN MEXICO CITY. On Sunday, March 27, we were making a special effort to reach new people with what we called a Day of Exaltation. We had an attendance of 601 in service that Sunday, with 39 receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit and 14 that were baptized. There were a total of 119 brand new people - first time visitors.
I love Pastoring, for there is no greater thrill then "being right in the trenches" - no better way to keep one's ministry fresh and no better way to set a proper example and motivate others.
Centro Pentecostal is in the heart of Mexico City. We are on one of the main Avenues called Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas #55, Colonia Doctores; only seven blocks from the Zócalo - the main plaza in the historical center of the city. A year and a half ago, we moved to this new location, where our rental is very high, but God is blessing the local congregation to cover the cost. It was a step of faith, but we are thankful to the Lord that we have nearly doubled in that amount of time. We have been baptizing people every Sunday, thus far, this year. Wonderful miracles, healings, signs and wonders that the Lord keeps doing.
SHARING A RECENT TESTIMONY. Two weeks ago, my son Daniel Drost (who is Pastoring in San Antonio, Texas) had decided to drive down to Tampico, Mexico, to preach in special services that weekend - it's about an eight-hour drive. Since it has only been a year and a half that they left Tampico, as appointed missionaries, and moved to San Antonio to start a Church; he thought he was still well-enough acquainted with the situation. He drove with his whole family: wife (Holley) and their four children.
When he crossed the Border in Reynosa (across from McAllen, Texas) into Mexico, he noticed that there weren't the long lines seeking permits as before, but it didn't register till later. As he drove south he noticed that there were no cars or SUVs on the road, only transport trucks. About 40 minutes into Mexico, on the highway that heads towards San Fernando, two SUVs passed him in the opposite direction, travelling at very high speeds. He saw in the rear-view mirror how they suddenly applied their brakes and quickly turned around, and they chased them - like in the movies. He accelerated to everything his Tahoe could give, but several miles down the road, they caught up to him. The first SUV passed him and began applying his brakes, gradually forcing him to stop. The second one remained on his rear bumper. There were two armed men in the first SUV, and four armed men in the second - with high powered weapons. They were not police.
They finally came to a full stop. Daniel told his wife: "Pray, for I'm not going to stay here and allow them either to kidnap part or all of the family or to simply kill us all". All the armed men got out, but when the two in the lead SUV got out, Daniel took off, swinging around them. He saw in his rear-view mirror as they aimed and fired at them, seeing the guns jolting in their hands, but nothing happened to them. Then the men got back in and again chased them.
They were starting to catch up to them again, when all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, they pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. What God did or used to stop them will only be known in eternity!
By then, he was close to San Fernando and arrived at a crossroads where there has always been a large and very busy gas station, but it was closed and there was nobody to be seen. Instead of taking the by-pass, he drove into San Fernando and was stopped by a Federal police car; the officer asked him: "How did you get here? I haven't seen normal tourists like you folks, come through here in months". He went on to explain that, just the day before, there had been a big gun battle where the Zetas (a very violent Drug Cartel) had pushed the authorities back and out of that area--taking over.
Join me in praising the Lord for His VERY evident protection upon my family!
Please pray for continued revival in Mexico!
2011 NATIONAL CONVENTION. The UPC of Mexico has it's National Convention every two years, with Zonal (Regional) Conventions during the alternate years. This year our National Council 2011 will be in the Sports Palace (Palacio De Los Deportes) in Mexico City, July 29-31, 2011. We will have over 15,000 in attendance, and our goal is to see over 1,500 receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Yes we can and will! Why not plan to come and be part of revival Check us out:
Rev. T. Wynn Drost - General Superintendent UPC of Mexico
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