Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Video of God Opening Blind Eyes & Deaf Ears
Video Link: Blind eyes opened & deaf ears unstopped in Jesus name!
Deputation Schedule
We will be in:
Alabama Jan 2-13 2013
Arkansas Jan 15-17 2013
BOTT Jan 22 - 24 2013
Arkansas Jan 25 - Feb 3 2013
Texas Feb 5 -24 2013
South Texas Feb 26 - Mar 24 2013
Florida Mar 26 - Apr 14 2013
Georgia Apr 16 - 21 2013
S Carolina Apr 23 - 28 2013
N Carolina Apr 30 - May 12 2013
Thank You!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain in Jesus' name!
God Bless,
Nathan, Tanya, Alaina and Lincoln Harrod
The Wolframs: Vietnam & Philippines Update
I recently had an opportunity to expand my outreach to two new groups of people in Hanoi (far north Vietnam) and Saigon (south Vietnam).
The pastor in Hanoi is a very nice man who was formally a two-star General who fought for the North. He gave up his military career to fulfill his calling for God. His warm reception of our message was appreciated. Two of the pastors who attended the meeting in Hanoi traveled more than four hours to attend. I was invited to come back to this church in the future. Two more invitations came about by this meeting in cities near Hanoi.
The seminar I taught in south Vietnam was also a a great contact. This new group was a pleasant surprise. I was introduced to this pastor by a family I baptized in the early ‘90s. This group has a grasp of oneness, baptizes in Jesus’s name and are all Spirit-filled. I am thrilled to see our message being spread far and wide. It is also heart-warming to know that the foundational teaching that I provided to many groups in the early ‘90s is still spreading. This new group is an example of the trickle-down affect of those early days.
Our five students from Vietnam are also doing great. They are presently helping me translate lessons for my seminars.
Africa in Revival
Terry Riddick & Rusty Riddick families
The missionaries visited a local church where the pastor is interested in affiliating with the UPC. After ministering in the service, the missionary taught the pastor's family a bible study about baptism in Jesus' name. The pastor said, "I am 65 years old and have been a pastor for many years, but I truly have received a revelation today." This pastor is the head of a small organization that has eight more churches and pastors. He would like to affiliate all the churches with the UPC. The missionary will soon be preaching the organization convention, and the missionary's wife will be teaching the ladies.
The missionaries have also been asked to minister in another small organization of four churches in a different area of the country. This area has no UPC. These churches also want to affiliate with the UPC.
Congo - Brazzaville
Regional Missionary, the Gistope family
There were seventeen baptized in Jesus' name and thirteen received the baptism of the Holy Spirit during a crusade.
Area Coordinator, Randy Adams - reported by Pastor Désiré
At National Conference thirteen received the Holy Spirit and one was baptized in Jesus' name.
Nick Sisco & Colleen Carter families
During leadership seminars and special services in two regions, a total of twenty-six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, six were baptized in Jesus' name, and multiple people were healed. There are also ten potential students to open another ACTS extension school.
Two preaching points have been started in one region.
At a regional youth all night prayer meeting there was a powerful time of prayer, deliverance, and renewal. The attendance continues to increase and transformation is taking place among the youth.
A home Bible study was taught to a young lady. She will be baptized in Jesus' name soon.
Jim Crumpacker & Patrick Groves families
Throughout the country there were 194 baptized in Jesus' name, eighty-seven received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and fifty-nine reported healings.
There were 307 home Bible studies taught. Two new preaching points have been established.
Albert Stewart family
During regular services a total of seventy-two were baptized in Jesus' name and twenty-six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Chris Richardson family
Local churches report that a total of 118 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and ninety-two were baptized in Jesus' name.
Kids Day 2012 ~ In the capital city, Sunday School students and teachers came together at the National Campgrounds for a day of fun and games. In the afternoon, there was an evangelistic service and 246 children received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Gerry McLean family
One of the Bible school students went into a village to share the message of One God and Acts 2:38. On the first night, nine were baptized in Jesus' name, and the next day he prayed eight of those nine through to the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The national evangelism director was invited to speak at a church and thirty-six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Another Bible school student witnessed to a group of people in her village, and her pastor baptized eleven of them in Jesus' name.
Gary Abernathy family
One regional Big Sunday had 3,569 in attendance. There were thirty-five baptized in Jesus' name, twenty-one received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and seventeen children were dedicated to God.
In two regional ladies ministries meetings there was a total of 687 in attendance and six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Holiday Greetings/News from Germany
2012 is fast approaching a close, and there are great victories to report in our German camp! Some of the many reasons for rejoicing are…
*We completed a very successful 8th deputation in America before returning recently to our own home and work in the midst of 83 million people living in the land of our calling. We added significantly to our long list of faithful supporters and we wish to THANK YOU ALL, the old and new partners alike, for working with us in the GREAT COMMISSION! Your investment is reaping eternal dividends and we only wish that each and every one of you could experience the excitement of the HARVEST firsthand.
*As you may recall, before we left Germany for deputation in 2011, we were able to place pastors into the two churches that we started in northwestern Germany - one in Paderborn and the other in Northeim. These men, the Denk brothers, went from converts in our second term of service in Germany to called and trained ministers of the Gospel by our fourth term of service. They are dedicated to propagating the Apostolic message. They remain deeply grateful because their extended family found Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior after emigrating from Kazakhstan to Germany in the early 1990’s. It is a thrill to return to our fifth term of service and find that the churches we planted are alive and well in their capable hands!
*In early October, just a few weeks after settling back into German life, we began to travel to Paderborn with our newly-purchased used Sheaves for Christ vehicle. The grand reunion with the Paderborn church coincided with the annual Erntedankfest service. Alan preached to a packed house as the presence of the Lord filled the place. Erntedankfest is the German equivalent of Thanksgiving Day. Unlike America, it is more of a church celebration than a family celebration. Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and grains, as you see in the photo, are gathered for this occasion and are offered at the end of the day of celebration to those in attendance.
Worshiping and Working in One Accord for the Harvest
*Just a few weeks later in November, we celebrated our 9th Anniversary in the building presently being rented for the Paderborn church. Our guest speaker, Missionary Filippo Ciulla from Belgium, blessed the church with his anointed ministry. The altar was filled at the end of the service, and his evaluation was that “the church in Paderborn was a wonderful experience!”
*The church in Paderborn has clearly outgrown its present building, so we are facing a GOOD problem! The brethren have begun looking for a larger facility to rent. WOULD YOU JOIN US IN PRAYER THAT THIS NEED BE MET QUICKLY? We need more space and more chairs to reach more people with the Gospel.
*We returned to Germany to find our preaching point just south of Bonn in good shape also, thanks to a faithful worker in the Kingdom, Petra Akeme. This group started with immigrant Spanish-speaking women from the Dominican Republic who are married to German men. We baptized these believing women in the Rhine River just a few months prior to our departure for deputation and have been teaching them in German. In our absence, some others south of Bonn joined the group and a Spanish-speaking Apostolic family from Ecuador moved into Bonn. Efforts are underway to bring these separate groups into one united body to reach out further in the Bonn area, in both the German and Spanish languages.
These are times of in-gathering from every tribe and every nation in every part of the world. Remember that YOU are helping to gather this HARVEST even as you support our ministry. WE THANK GOD FOR YOU EACH AND EVERY DAY!
Georgia On My Mind
Merry Christmas
From Georgia to you. We want to say thank you for all of your prayers and support. This holiday season we wanted to take a moment to say how much we love and appreciate you.
God bless you,
The Staten Family
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Revival Report - Harrod Family in Spain
Visiting ministry in October!
We are thankful for the ministry of Rev. James and Marsha Twentier who have spent the last three weeks ministering to our church in Barcelona, our daughter works and teaching in the Bible School.
A Look At What God Is Doing In Spain
Video: A Land in Revival
Deputation Schedule
The Lord has blessed while on deputation these past few months. We have had many filled the baptism of the Holy Ghost and in the past month have had 39 testify of miraculous healings. We thank God for what He is doing while on deputation. If you are interested in having us for a service below is our schedule.
We will be in:
Illinois Nov 27- Dec 16 2012
Alabama Jan 2-13 2013
Arkansas Jan 15-17 2013
BOTT Jan 22 - 24 2013
Arkansas Jan 25 - Feb 3 2013
Texas Feb 5 -24 2013
South Texas Feb 26 - Mar 24 2013
Florida Mar 26 - Apr 14 2013
Georgia Apr 16 - 21 2013
S Carolina Apr 23 - 28 2013
N Carolina Apr 30 - May 12 2013
Thank You!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain in Jesus' name!
God Bless,
Nathan, Tanya, Alaina and Lincoln Harrod
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Bro. Twentier Preaching |
A Look At What God Is Doing In Spain
Video: A Land in Revival
Deputation Schedule
The Lord has blessed while on deputation these past few months. We have had many filled the baptism of the Holy Ghost and in the past month have had 39 testify of miraculous healings. We thank God for what He is doing while on deputation. If you are interested in having us for a service below is our schedule.
We will be in:
Illinois Nov 27- Dec 16 2012
Alabama Jan 2-13 2013
Arkansas Jan 15-17 2013
BOTT Jan 22 - 24 2013
Arkansas Jan 25 - Feb 3 2013
Texas Feb 5 -24 2013
South Texas Feb 26 - Mar 24 2013
Florida Mar 26 - Apr 14 2013
Georgia Apr 16 - 21 2013
S Carolina Apr 23 - 28 2013
N Carolina Apr 30 - May 12 2013
Thank You!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. Together we are claiming Spain in Jesus' name!
God Bless,
Nathan, Tanya, Alaina and Lincoln Harrod
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Hello from Korea
Sending Greetings to the Other Side of the World!
I am still surprised by the emotional shifts that come from living abroad. I can be staring at pictures or watching videos from home and wishing that I could just pop over for that service, choir practice, youth event, et cetera, and in the next moment, I feel that echo inside of me that for now (time unknown) this place is home. That does not scare me for I grew up with many places called home. It does not, however, extinguish that two-places-at-once (at least!) desire. You are loved and missed by a girl on the other side of the world.
In This Corner of the World
It really seems like winter now the snows have come. At this level, I can handle it, and it is not unbearably cold. People have been saying for a bit that they expect this winter to be much worse than the last. We shall see what that means. ^^
The new AIMer has arrived and has launched right into the work here in Korea—doing anything and everything that is asked of her, even eating some food that she otherwise would not. Due to her schedule, she is not able to join the gang often, but we are all looking forward to seeing The Phantom of the Opera together the weekend after Christmas.
Christmas is different here in South Korea. As such, we only have Christmas day off; thus, I will not be traveling up to Seoul/Gwangmyeong to celebrate with my friends and church family. I am excited, though, to have a skype date with the family. Also, I purchased a little Christmas tree and am contemplating further decoration. Again, we shall see.
Of late, my days have been filled with final exams and a national test for the G1 and G2 students. The G3 students completed theirs some time ago in order to expedite the high school application process. They increasingly consider themselves to be practically high schoolers, but as yet, they have not gone too crazy. They still tolerate my attempts to actually still teach them a little English. Another group that I shall miss! I am borrowing from the future with that comment, so I will just focus on being grateful for the time I have with them.
At the church, the Sunday school classes and youth Bible studies continue to take place.We will have a Sunday school planning meeting this coming Sunday, so I desire your prayers as we plan for the coming year. I have loved watching them grow little by little thus far, but I know the best is yet to come.
Thank you for being with me in prayer and love!
God bless,
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Africa Network of Prayer
December Calendar Events
30 Nov LIBERIA National Board Meeting
01 Dec LIBERIA National Leaders' Meeting
05-06 Dec GHANA Special revival services with Evangelist Brian Norman (USA)
06-09 Dec KENYA National Youth Convention
07 Dec KENYA Prayer and Fasting throughout the Nation
07 Dec GHANA National Elections for new President. Pray for peaceful elections.
07-08 Dec NIGERIA National Bible School Graduation Services
08 Dec TOGO National Board meeting and 2013 Planning Session
08 Dec ZIMBABWE Matebeleland Youth Rally
09 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Ladies' Activities
09 Dec MADAGASCAR Barnabas Men's Seminar in Region D-Section 1
09-16 Dec GHANA "Tools of the Harvest" Seminars in Central & Ashanti/Brong Ahafo regions
13 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Ladies' Meeting
13-15 Dec LIBERIA Year End Revival at Bethlehem Star UPC / Section IV
13-16 Dec KENYA South Rift Ladies' Convention in Londiani
13-16 Dec NIGERIA Akwa Ibon State Convention
14-15 Dec SWAZILAND Evangelistic Crusade
15 Dec BENIN National Board meeting
16 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Youth Fellowship
16 Dec SWAZILAND Installation of First National Superintendent
23 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Youth Fellowship
23 Dec KENYA National Ladies' Day
27 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Ladies Fellowship
27-30 Dec TOGO National Conference and Bible school graduation
28 Dec-01 Jan '13 SWAZILAND End of Year Youth Conference
30 Dec EQUATORIAL GUINEA Youth Fellowship
06 Jan '13 EQUATORIAL GUINEA Thanks Giving Day
04 Dec AFRICA REGION Pray for Africa's Children
14 Dec GLOBALLY Pray for the French-speaking nations of the Africa Region and around the world
LIBERIA - Pray for the National Youth Leadership Visitation (Section VI) which will take place in December, also for the youth of UPC Liberia for their faithfulness and for a desire for evangelism to continue among them.
We also ask prayer for the following:
* for Missionary Albert Stewart that the Lord will give them strength and good health to continue their work with the UPC of Liberia
* for continuous unity and teamwork among the leaders of UPC Liberia
* for Pastor Jacob Vah and family who have recently moved to Zordee Mission, for strength, courage and a financial breakthrough to maintain the mission
* for the ministry to get more involved in Bible School Education and training programs * for Section VI pastors as they prepare themselves for the mantle of leadership in that section.
EQUATORIAL GUINEA - Bro. Peter Mua requests prayer for his upcoming trip to Cameroon and for his safe return. Pray for his family and his church while he is away.
GHANA - There will be many revival services taking place all over the country during the month of December. Join with us in praying for these outreach endeavors.
SOUTH SUDAN - We ask for continued prayer for Church Growth and political stability, and also asking for prayer for Groves family as they travel back to North America for their deputation.
LIBERIA - During the recent National Youth Conference in November, a lady who believes she was poisoned a couple of years ago has suffered with her stomach sometimes severely. During one evening's evangelistic services, she went to the altar for prayer. After the service, she vomited up a odorous black fluid. Later she testified of a complete healing. Thank God, He is still the Great Physician and the healer of all diseases.
SWAZILAND - The United Pentecostal church of Swaziland had its annual Outreach Sunday on November 25th during which many homes were visited for the purpose of sharing the Good News of salvation. Initial reports received from local assemblies indicate that the outreach was a great success judging by the warmth with which our people were received. We are looking forward to welcoming new visitors in the coming weeks. We praise God for His grace.
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