Randy Adams family
Eight received the Holy Ghost at a special service.
Ted Grosbach family, reported by Pastor Lesang Legotlho
Thirty-five men attended the Apostolic Man regional meeting.
The Ladies Conference was also a great success with several ladies from around the country in attendance. They were blessed by the teachings.
Eight received the Holy Ghost in regular services.
Approximately 120 children attended the Power Hour service.
Burkina Faso
Ken Cantrell family
Several were recently baptized in Jesus' name, including two ministers from other denominations and their wives.
Two new works have been started, one in the north and the other just outside the capital city.
Each pastor has selected a city or village for a spiritual partnership. They are responsible for prayer and for personal evangelism in that city.
Jim Poitras, Colleen Carter, & Nick Sisco families
One Bible school student from another organization was baptized in Jesus' name.
Three received the Holy Ghost, and eight were baptized in Jesus' name at one church.
Jim Crumpacker & Patrick Groves families
A total of ninety-seven were baptized in Jesus' name, and thirty-one received the Holy Ghost throughout the country. Thirty-five also received healing.
One lady was told to terminate her pregnancy because the baby would not live. The church prayed and a healthy baby was born.
A lame person was prayed for in Jesus' name and was made whole.
David Kline family
Seven received the Holy Ghost.
Global Association of Theological Studies - Lesotho has been established and opened for classes. The first group has four students, and all have a call to ministry.
Three received the Holy Ghost at the Leadership and Training Seminar.
Albert Stewart family
During regular services, sixty-four were baptized in Jesus' name and forty-one received the Holy Ghost.
Chris Richardson family
One of the local churches had "Family Sunday" with over 1,000 in attendance, and around 200 of those were visitors.
Tremayne Simoneaux family
At District Conferences, a total of 166 received the Holy Ghost and forty-five were baptized in Jesus' name.
Gerry McLean family
The National Treasurer traveled to attend a funeral. While there he baptized seven, including a Catholic nun.
Two of the Bible school students baptized thirteen while visiting their home town. Another student had a breakthrough in his village church and baptized four, and one received the Holy Ghost.
A new UPCI minister baptized six in Jesus' name.
Democratic Republic of Congo
Ted Grosbach family, reported by Pastor Gokalo
The Conference had 583 in attendance. Eight were baptized in Jesus' name, and fifty-two received the Holy Ghost.
Randall Richardson family
One couple said "We are going to church there", as they drove past our church sign. During their first visit, he was healed after four specialists had told him he would never be healed. On their second Sunday, she received the gift of the Holy Ghost. On their fourth Sunday, they were both baptized in Jesus' name. They are from a city where we have been praying for an open door to establish a church.
Randy Adams & Michael Benson families, reported by AIMer Jaydie Johnson
A total of sixteen people were healed by the power of God at various churches. One lady regained her failing eyesight, a man left to die was healed, and three barren women were healed.
A demon sent to terrorize and hurt the children of one particular church was unable to touch or harm anyone.
Phil Tolstad family
One region's first conference yielded sixty-six who received the Holy Ghost and thirteen baptized in Jesus' name. Six new pastors were also interviewed.
Throughout the country there are eighteen new churches. A total of forty-six received the Holy Ghost in regular church services, and 110 were baptized in Jesus' name including two congregations.
There were several miracles. While children were receiving medical attention, two men who had brought their children were also sick. They were prayed for and instantly healed.
Temporary church buildings have been constructed so that worship can move from under the trees for several congregations. Each place is now working to find land to construct permanent church buildings.