Tuesday, June 16, 2020

News from France

Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ!

First we would like to say thank you for your continued prayers and financial support for the work in France.

Thank you also for your concern for our well being as many have inquired about our health during this pandemic. By God's grace, our immediate family is doing well. We have had a few members of the congregation affected by Covid-19, but all have recovered and are currently in good health. 

We continue to press on in spite of the unique season that the world is currently going through. Like many of you, we had to temporarily discontinue meeting as a congregation at the church since Sunday, March 15.

Thankfully, through social media we were able to maintain our Sunday morning and Tuesday night services. In fact, God miraculously filled a lady with the baptism of the Holy Ghost at the end of an online service! We have also been able to continue most ministries through various online platforms.

We have received clearance from the French government to resume physically meeting together as a congregation in June with mandatory social distancing guidelines. Please pray that God would grant us wisdom as we work through the logistics of making it a reality. We are determined to advance His kingdom like never before.

We also ask that you continue to pray for us as we have been able to connect with neighbors during this confinement period. Pray that they will be receptive to the message of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ!

We look forward to sharing future reports of victory in Jesus name.

May the Lord richly bless you,

The Byfields

Missionaries to France

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