Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Update from Munich, Germany

Greetings from Munich!

I apologize for missing a month in our communication—it was an extremely busy one!
After much fall in outreach, things went right into meeting mode…In September, I went to be with Bro. Bernhard Suppan and others in Berlin for a Revival By Design seminar led by Bro. Mark Shutes and Bro. Ray Nicholls. It was an excellent chance to survey this program as well as to exchange some ideas with other brethren throughout our EME region. I spent about 80% of the month of September travelling, mostly for business. At the end of September, we travelled to St. Louis to meet with the Global Missions Board and to attend General Conference. At our GMB meeting, we were officially appointed as Intermediate Missionaries to Germany! This is a huge step for us, and we are humbled to serve in this capacity!! We still await the timing related to this, but continue to minister as we have in Munich. After a brief visit with family (it had been 3 years!), Sis. Jutta returned home and I continued on business travel in the US. A week after returning home, we hosted the GSN Elisha Conference for ministers in our field for the 3rd time in Munich. It was a great blessing to have Bro. Timothy Pickard and his wife along with Sis. Cassandra Sommers, their worship director in Toronto, as well as Bro. Tony Gratto from Halifax, and Bro. and Sis. Tuttle, the EME Regional Director to be with us! Men’s and women’s meetings ministered deeply and a great deal was accomplished in ministers’ meetings!!
As a small side task during the preparation for this conference, I assisted Bro. Richard Podstatny with help and direction from Bro. James Poitras to publish our first book in German, “Die Einigkeit Gottes”(The Oneness of God), producing 50 copies for initial review. The impact of this book was immediate as we gave it to a new saint in Munich who said “I will not give up the foundation I have believed in” referring to her Trinitarian past, who, after having read part of the book quickly reported that she finally understood things she had never seen before!  There will be a great impact in Germany!!

After the conference, we went straight back into our regular prayer walks and Bible studies before taking a few days alone in Südtirol for our 20th anniversary!!   

Thank you for your support and prayers for the continuing work in Munich!!

Mitch & Jutta Sayers
Pentecostals of Munich
Unterschleissheim, Germany
Missionary Project 89207

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