Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Farewell, Georgia

Parting is such sweet sorrow

On Tuesday, September 9th, Kim and the girls are leaving for the USA. Shiloh has had some complications that occurred during birth here. The doctors have told us that there is nothing that they can do here to help her and recommended we go to the USA to see a specialist. I don't want to get into to much detail here, but I do want to say that the injuries are no longer life threatening, but it is a miracle that she is alive today. We are so thankful that God spared her life.

I will be staying here in Tbilisi until the end of October to finish getting the church ready to go on without me for a while. Pray for them as they continue to grow.

Thank you for all of your support and love,
Jared and Family

It was my privilege to install Pastor Timothy as the Senior Pastor of Living Word International Church in Tbilisi. We are excited about the work that God is doing through this church in the nation of Georgia.

The Girls are so excited about going to visit with Nana and Papa in Washington DC. The packing has been crazy, and realizing that our whole lives are once again reduced to fitting into 12 suitcases has been interesting to say the least. Look forward to seeing many of you all again throughout our journeys.

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