Monday, December 29, 2014

Africa in Revival

Merry Christmas &
A Prosperous New Year from AFRICA!


There were two baptized in Jesus' name and two received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

During weekend services in a new church, the mother of the lady who helped open the new church received the Holy Spirit.


The Youth Marriage seminar was successful.

The Leadership seminar in one region was a great time in the presence of the Lord.

There were ten who graduated with their GATS Certificate from one extension school.


Throughout the nation there were sixty-seven baptized in Jesus' name and fifty-seven received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There were also 171 who claimed healings and 962 home Bible studies taught.


During a powerful Pastors and Leadership training seminar, three new people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, three were baptized in Jesus' name and three backsliders were renewed. About a dozen leaders renewed their service and commitment to the work of the Lord.

Missionary Alice Kline felt in a service to walk without her crutches and God instantly touched her knee. She has felt no pain since and has amazed all those present in the service and her physical therapist. She is working on regaining her strength and walking without a limp.

Prayer has prevailed and thankfully some of the political unrest has settled but not all. So please keep this nation in your prayers.


Throughout the island during two months a total of thirty-six were baptized in Jesus' name and fifty-six received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

One pastor baptized twenty in Jesus' name and nineteen received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Another pastor baptized two pastors and twenty-three members from their churches.

Twenty-one graduated from the Bible school with a 2 year degree in theology.


Recently during the Sunday morning service in a newly affiliated church, there were at least twelve who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The pastor and his wife both testified that they have never experienced such an outpouring of the Spirit in that church. During another service at this same church, nine were baptized in Jesus' name and eight of them received the baptism of the Holy Spirit when they came up out of the water.

At another church four were baptized in Jesus' name and two received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

In the last month, there were four conferences:

The total attendance was over 1,070. There were sixty-eight baptized in Jesus' name and eighty-nine received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

There were at least ninety of our pastors in attendance as well as several Trinitarian pastors. Some of the Trinitarians are presently being taught Bible studies.

Monday, December 15, 2014

News from Mission Montreal

December 2014 

"For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, to me every knee shall bow, And every tongue shall confess to God." Romans 14:11

One of the joys of ministry in Quebec has been the coming together of so many different languages and cultures. French is the obvious one of course, but then along with our native English we have encountered so many others including: Swahili, Kurundi, Nepalese and Spanish.

Just this past Sunday we had the privilege of dedicating two beautiful children to the Lord whose family came from Ecuador just a few years ago. Nancy, the grandmother of these children, is one of those people who become integral to the growth of a church. Every Sunday she comes, and always with someone new alongside of her!

This past Sunday her Québécois husband, Gérard, attended for the first time and was deeply moved during the service. A spirit of repentance filled the altar and many surrendered their lives to the Lord. We will start a Bible study with Gérard soon.

As we sang this Sunday, in three languages, it struck me what the Lord is doing.  He is bringing people from all over the globe to North America. Yes, they may have come for a better life, for themselves and for their families but the Lord has a bigger plan. We are reaching into their lives with His love and salvation so that they can reach the people that they have the unique ability to minister to. Nancy has just returned home for a month to Ecuador with her son, Milton. Who knows who she will touch while she is there?

The field is the world and the Lord is bringing people together from the far corners of the globe for one last final thrust of harvest. We are so glad to play a part in it. Thanks so much for your support of His work in Quebec and beyond.

May you have a blessed Christmas and New Year!


Georgia Update

While we were sleeping.
Georgia update:

It is so exciting to hear all of the great reports flooding in from Tbilisi. AIMer Bro. Raymond Mason and family are doing a great job in keeping the momentum going while we are away. This month they started a new daughter work, that is in Russian and Georgian and had 8 visitors. They also had a record sunday attendance this year with 12 visitors attending. Thank you for all of your prayers and support to make this possible.

Deputation Begins
Laurissa and I, borrowed a VW bug from my dad, and headed to Connecticut for our first week of deputation. We are excited to see some of our great friends and supporters, and look forward to meeting new friends. If we are going to be in your area soon and you want to get together please let us know. Our schedule can be found by clicking HERE, and then choosing "Staten,Jared" in the dropdown menu. We hope to see many of you again on this deputation.

Shiloh Update
Shiloh had her MRI on Monday, and has a few more tests awaiting her. We are patiently waiting on the results. She has been such a trooper through all of the pocking and prodding. She has an unconquerable spirit and such a lovely joy that goes with her wherever she goes. God is doing great things. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers during this trying time.

Friday, November 21, 2014

News from Ireland


This past month and a half we've seen tremendous breakthrough in Ireland!  We give God glory for filling 9 people with the Holy Ghost, adding new family's to the Gilford church, growing our Sunday School & Youth, and for 9 individuals that are currently in bible study. 

Belfast, N. Ireland
The third week of October was an exciting time in the city of Belfast. Belfast is a target city for a church plant, and the Holy Ghost Party was a pre-church launch event. We were privileged to have Pastors Ken & Stephanie Dillingham, Kris & Jen Dillingham, Rodney and Karin Donohoo & Family, and Mark Crowder minister for us during this powerful weekend. We had a Gospel Concert, Holy Ghost Party & Miracle Sunday during these 3 days of ministry.  7 people were filled with the Holy Ghost, saints and visitors received breakthroughs, healing, deliverance, and many contacts were made! We also thank Rev Robert Kelley, the Harvest Bible College students (Scotland), and Rev Banji Sanni Family (Dundalk) for joining us and adding extra fire power to this weekend. This event has helped lay a foundation for what is about to take place in this beautiful city of near 1 million people.

We ask that you and your church would pray for a divine door to be opened as we are currently searching for a permanent location to begin services in January 2015 in downtown Belfast.

Pastor James Stark:
We were blessed to have Pastor James Stark (Calvary Apostolic-Columbus,OH) with us in November. Testimony: We prayed around Belfast City Hall one Saturday morning asking for favor in Belfast City. Pastor Stark asked that God would show us favor from an individual in city hall. When we went inside, the security guard unprompted struck up a conversation with us and offered to give us a private tour of the building. We were taken inside the proceeding chambers and other rooms that are off limits to the public. As we sat in the deputy mayor's chair in the proceeding chamber we prayed for favor in this great city. I'll be seeing the security guard again very soon. Bro Stark ministered in Gilford for our Sunday service. Alice's (one of our Portuguese ladies) husband Carlos was there for the first time. As we prayed, God healed him of an eye problem. We also give God glory for filling Debbie with the Holy Ghost!

AYC Ireland
We give God praise for a record breaking 79 young people that are currently signed up for the AYC Ireland 2015 trip.  With chaperones still to add this trip is almost at its cap of 100.  If you are wanting to be part of this history making trip get your application in asap!  There are only a few spots left.
Apostolic Youth Corps | The Great Adventure #reachireland

We are currently looking to fill some slots for summer 2015. If you are interested, contact us or sign up at

We thank you for your faithful prayers and support!

Rev. Joe, Fanny & Jaylon Cooney
Missionaries to Ireland

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Update from Munich, Germany

Greetings from Munich!

I apologize for missing a month in our communication—it was an extremely busy one!
After much fall in outreach, things went right into meeting mode…In September, I went to be with Bro. Bernhard Suppan and others in Berlin for a Revival By Design seminar led by Bro. Mark Shutes and Bro. Ray Nicholls. It was an excellent chance to survey this program as well as to exchange some ideas with other brethren throughout our EME region. I spent about 80% of the month of September travelling, mostly for business. At the end of September, we travelled to St. Louis to meet with the Global Missions Board and to attend General Conference. At our GMB meeting, we were officially appointed as Intermediate Missionaries to Germany! This is a huge step for us, and we are humbled to serve in this capacity!! We still await the timing related to this, but continue to minister as we have in Munich. After a brief visit with family (it had been 3 years!), Sis. Jutta returned home and I continued on business travel in the US. A week after returning home, we hosted the GSN Elisha Conference for ministers in our field for the 3rd time in Munich. It was a great blessing to have Bro. Timothy Pickard and his wife along with Sis. Cassandra Sommers, their worship director in Toronto, as well as Bro. Tony Gratto from Halifax, and Bro. and Sis. Tuttle, the EME Regional Director to be with us! Men’s and women’s meetings ministered deeply and a great deal was accomplished in ministers’ meetings!!
As a small side task during the preparation for this conference, I assisted Bro. Richard Podstatny with help and direction from Bro. James Poitras to publish our first book in German, “Die Einigkeit Gottes”(The Oneness of God), producing 50 copies for initial review. The impact of this book was immediate as we gave it to a new saint in Munich who said “I will not give up the foundation I have believed in” referring to her Trinitarian past, who, after having read part of the book quickly reported that she finally understood things she had never seen before!  There will be a great impact in Germany!!

After the conference, we went straight back into our regular prayer walks and Bible studies before taking a few days alone in Südtirol for our 20th anniversary!!   

Thank you for your support and prayers for the continuing work in Munich!!

Mitch & Jutta Sayers
Pentecostals of Munich
Unterschleissheim, Germany
Missionary Project 89207

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Uganda Update from the Phelps

Dear Friends:

Greetings in Jesus Name!  During one of our classes the lesson was dealing about failures and how God can take that failure and use it for something good.  During class the men were sensitive to the move of God.  They were asked to think of a failure and put it in their hands and lift it to God and then release!  God did nothing short of miraculous! Two were filled with the Holy Ghost and lives were forever changed!

As of October we have completed two terms of the Certificate Level program and have had the privilege to teach eleven students.  Our goal is to have one class graduated with an Associates degree by 2017.

Thank you supporters for helping us.  Special thank you to all who have given to Ladies Ministries throughout the USA and Canada - you have helped the college operate and students to be taught this wonderful Apostolic truth.

Please continue to pray for our safety and the work.  For those who have been concerned, Uganda is Ebola free.

Many blessings to you and yours as we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas 2014.

Yours for Souls,
The Phelps Family
Steve, Yvette, Aaron and Kevin

Wishing You Blessings During the Holidays

We have a GREAT need for Bible college funds and seminars which help us travel into the bush to reach souls. We are asking for your help. Cost per Seminar is approximately $500.  Thank you!

Missionary Steve Phelps

Bible College #: 103.FA.033215.22.2201.1.149632

Seminars #: 103.FA.033215.26.2608._.149632

Send check to:
Global Missions
8855 Dunn Road
Hazelwood, MO 63042
Or call: 314-837-7300

Saturday, September 27, 2014

News from Namibia

We have seen God do many great things on deputation, including this man being delivered and receiving the Holy Ghost!

We Thank each church here in the U.S. for the continued support to Namibia!  To all of our NEW P.I.M.'s  We thank you for partnering with us and the work of God in Namibia! 

May God bless YOU!

Orphanage in Tsumkwe

These children were so thankful to have bread! Bro. Lorens Hauseb has been making trips carrying in groceries and clothing for these children who are in desperate need of food and shelter.

Harvest News from Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago

Dear friend,
The church in Puerto Rico is marching in victory as they move forward in Evangelism and Training.   To kick off the Bible School term this year we had our first ever UNGIDOS (Anointed) Conference.  We are thankful for Bro. Felipe Pagan, Bro. Danny Johnston, Bro. Albino Quiñones, Bro.  Paul Thorp, and Bro. Equikel Orueta for their ministry to the 4 areas of Puerto Rico. (Above photo of servce in San Juan)

Training so that laborers can be sent forth

Because of the urgency of the hour, the brethren in Puerto Rico have adapted a new curriculum of Bible School Instruction  We are now using the GATS program.  To our great surprise, we have over 50 students enrolled this semester. The Bible School is now in the East, West, North and South of Puerto Rico.  Please pray for the students and instructors. (Photo of West Campus students)


This year the church was blessed to have Bro. and Sis. Larry Sims, Tallahassee, Florida as the guest speakers of the annual conference. The ministry was challenged by the wonderful preaching and visitors also came and received the Holy Ghost.


Thank you for all who pray for us daily.  The task is great but God is giving us strength daily.  We appreciate your faithful support to see the work of God move forward.  You are vital to the work.  URGENT:  Please also pray for a miracle that our son Joseph Landaw and his family will get their PIMs and be able to get to Trinidad and Tobago.  We need them onsite as soon as possible Gary and Kristi Landaw

Gary & Kristi Landaw 
Missionaries with the United Pentecostal Church International
Contact us :

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Africa in Revival

 Africa @ Revival
September 2014
Randy Adams family

There were a total of twenty-four baptized in Jesus' name.

Nicky Sisco & Colleen Carter families

A church just started by Bible school students already has one filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and seven baptized in Jesus' name.

Ivory Coast
Area Coordinator, Randy Adams

During a special convention for children, there were over 1,000 in attendance, and fifty children received the Holy Ghost.


Jim Crumpacker & Patrick Groves families

Throughout the country twenty-four were baptized in Jesus' name, 104 received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and 169 reported healing.

There were also 434 bible studies taught.

Two were delivered from evil spirits and have returned to the fellowship.

Chris Richardson family

At National Conference, 1,957 received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

There were thirty graduates from this year's Bible school graduation.

During the four-month work program, students reported that 626 received the Holy Ghost and 421 were baptized in Jesus' name. One student had land donated for a church. Another student had a denominational congregation (300+) and pastor converted. Other students reported healings of cancer, and two mutes were healed.

Gerry McLean family

The director of evangelism prayed seventeen through to the Holy Spirit in a recent service.

Our first pastor from a predominately Muslim state just baptized fifty-six in Jesus' name.

A pastor that started a new work in January has already baptized forty-three in Jesus' name.

Randy Adams family

During the months of July and August, there were ninety-four baptized in Jesus' name and 116 received the Holy Ghost.

During a regional ladies conference in one village, four received the Holy Ghost.

During a revival in another village, twenty-four youth received the Holy Ghost. The revival had an attendance of 385.

A new preaching point has been opened in yet another village with ninety-eight new attendees.

Phil Tolstad & Steve Phelps families

One pastor who just moved from Rwanda is starting a new church.

At Pastor/Leadership seminars, four pastors were baptized in Jesus' name, as well as twenty-five church elders/leaders.

At the first service of a new church, eight received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

In several churches, a total of fifty-five were baptized in Jesus' name, including a pastor, and thirty-five received the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

One pastor has started four new churches. Nine other new churches were started throughout the nation.

Uganda's new Apostolic Bible College is in session with the second term for the GATS Certificate level program from September 1st through October 10th for this year. They are hoping to have over ten students in January to move on to Diploma level. 


Gary Abernathy family

The Children's Ministries Director reports that thirty-three children have received the Holy Ghost at a recent children's crusade.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Uganda Update 2

Dear Partners and Friends,

Greetings in Jesus Name!

Just returned from an exciting trip to Western Uganda. God is bringing us some great men to do the work of God in the West!

On Thursday, we were in Rugombe, Kynjojo District where Pastor Bajuna Rogers has started a new church. We just stopped for a few hours on the way to Fort Portal. (Pastor Bajuna has just joined the UACU). There were about thirty people who had waited for us to arrive, who were so excited, to be part of the UACU.  Then, we continued on to Fort Portal where we spent the night; the next morning we drove to Bundibugyo Town in the Bundibugyo District. It is a mountainous region (Rwenzori Mountains) bordering on  the DRC (Congo).  We had a great time of teaching and preaching, and then we had a baptismal service where 21 people were baptized. We also had time to look at some land the church wants to buy to build their church. They are ready to start building as soon as the land is purchased.  Pastor Francis Wesige is doing a good work in building the church in difficult times. The major problem is that two months ago there was an insurgency uprising where about 200 people where killed in town due to the Rebel activity. The church had to scatter and many things in town where destroyed, including the location of their church. We are praying for peace so that the church can build and have revival in this city of over 100,000 people. Two other pastors where also baptized in the number and two others are committed to being baptized but want to teach their churches the Apostolic message of salvation, to bring them into the UACU. Then we returned to Fort Portal for the night to prepare for the next safari.

On Saturday, we traveled to Kirugutu, Ntoroko District. This city also had troubles from the Rebels, and many were also killed in this smaller city. When the Rebels attacked, the Area Coordinator was at the Church teaching on Apostolic Doctrine and a Baptism service was planned, but as the fighting broke out and gunfire was going through the dirt walls of the Church, the Church fled, running through the maize fields to safety to the river valley. Thankfully no one was injured and all escaped to safety. Our Overseer did loose his phone, Bible, materials, and his shoes as they fled. Pastor Patrick Irizo then gathered the Church and had several days of prayer for Peace on the river bank where they were staying.  As we were there for a whole day, the community came and assured us, everything was good. Thank God for Peace to preach the Gospel! Our Seminar was a Pastoral/Leadership Seminar and was attended by over 12 Church Pastors and Leaders. We taught on Apostolic Doctrine, Leadership and Christian Behaviors and Fruit. It was a profitable time as many leaders want to know more of the UACU. After the services, we baptized six people, including two of the Pastors.

On Sunday, we journeyed only three kilometers north of Fort Portal at a brand new church Pastored by Happy Edson. (Yes, Happy is his family given name). The Church was only one month old, and we were in the temporary structure for the first service. The building was not finished yet and the wind was blowing very hard on top of the mountain, but through it all, we had a great service and four committed to being baptized (we were not able to have a baptizmal service as there was no water close by, so in these occasions, a special time is appointed for all to meet at the closest river), all had already received the Holy Ghost.

On Monday, we returned to Kampala. On the way we stopped at Kihuura to be with Pastor Baguma William. He was working on a Larger church house and was almost finished. Then we stopped at Kyatega to visit with Pastor Deogracias Mugarura as he has started a new church in this trading center.

Our safari was very profitable as we were in six churches, taught 23 Pastors, baptized 27, including four pastors, and saw the start of three new churches. God is doing great things!

We have rented the property in Fort Portal to start our church in the city, this is the property we would like to buy to become our center to reach the western part of Uganda. Fort Portal is on the border with the DRC, and we have a great pastor and congregation ready to work. If you can help us with the purchase of this land, we still need some help to build this church and buy the land.

UGANDA September Report on our Trips/Seminars/Churches Started

-Kasambya: Eleven Baptized, One Pastor who just moved from Rwanda. He is starting a new UACU church in the next trading Center, Bubanda.
-Bundibubugyo: Pastors Seminar, baptized two pastors, and 21 Church leaders and elders.
-Kirugutu: Pastors/Leadership Seminar; Baptized two pastors and four elders.
-Nyanga: Five Baptized
-Igunda: Eight Baptized and received Holy Ghost
-Isingiro: 15 Baptized and 11 received the Holy Ghost
-Lira: Seven Baptized, One pastor baptized
-Madudu: 8 Received Holy Ghost and baptized
-Kiganda: First service in a New Church; eight received Holy Ghost.
--Pastor Wandera James:  Has started four churches on the shores of Lake Victoria this past month in Yeebe Island, Biisa Landing, Soono Landing and Sinuve landing.

This past month we have started several new Churches:
1. Kiganda, Mubende District
2. Rugombe, Kynjojo District
3. Busaiga, Kabarole District
4. Fort Portal, Kabarole District
5. Kyatega, Kygegwa District
6. Mpara, Kygegwa District
7. Bubania, Mubende District
8. Dokolo, Dokolo District
9. Boliso, Palica District.

We do appreciate all of your prayers as we travel the roads of Uganda and visit some places that are not the safest places to be. Thank you for your faithfulness in your financial support as your PIM makes all our work possible.

Phil and Twyla Tolstad

First service in Buseiga,north of Fort Portal, on top of the mountain.

New Church in the Mountains in Southern Uganda, Bushenyi District

New Church in Kynjojo, Kiboga District in Central Uganda. Church started on July 27th with only two people, today there are over forty members. Pastor John Mfitumukiza was baptized and is preparing to begin building a permanent structure.

Church house Baguma William is buiding. You notice the mud blocks in front of the picture, that was the old church that was much to small to hold the people.

Pastor Kalanzi Baptising in  Bundibugyo, on the Congo Border.

Pastor and Sis. Anrosi Indostome from Karugutu who were baptised in Jesus Name.

Open Air Evangelism

On top of the Mountain, worshipping!

Karugutu Leadership/Pastors Seminar

"THE" drum