Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Africa in Revival Update

Burkina Faso
Ken Cantrell family

We just repaired a baptismal tank that had not been used in years. The pastors set a yearly goal for baptisms. Next Sunday one church is taking six to be baptized. This is half of the goal that he set for the next six months: "Focused Passion brings forth Conversion!"

Equatorial Guinea
Area Coordinator, Jim Poitras, reported by Regional Missionary Peter Mua

Four were baptized in Jesus' name, and three received the Holy Spirit.

A lady almost died from a miscarriage. Her husband called the church for prayer, and God miraculously healed her. Since then the couple have been baptized in Jesus' name, and the husband has received the Holy Spirit. We are believing that the wife will soon.

Jim Poitras, Colleen Carter, & Nick Sisco families

A total of ten baptized in Jesus' name at two of the capital city churches.

Over fifty attended the annual Minister's Wives Conference. We are truly thankful for the breakthrough in the Spirit, as these precious ladies were strengthened and encouraged.

Reported by Missionary Albert Stewart

In a revival service, nine were baptized in Jesus' name, and five received the Holy Spirit.

David Kline family

Nine received the Holy Spirit, and three were baptized in Jesus' name.

The current yearly totals are: 429 visitors, 43 filled with the Holy Spirit, and 43 baptized in Jesus' name.

Two youth were having trouble getting sponsorship for their college. The church prayed, and the Lord opened the door for both to be fully funded by scholarship. This is a great testimony for the youth and community because the National Scholarship fund had been depleted and new applications were not being received--much less approved.

Albert Stewart family

During regular church services, 110 were baptized in Jesus' name, and seventy-five received the Holy Spirit.


Chris Richardson family

At two Regional Conferences, a total of 229 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Tremayne Simoneaux family

A Regional Ladies Conference was greatly attended, and over 150 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Gerry McLean family

Five Bible school students were baptized.

A second year female Bible school student has begun meeting with a group of people in a small village under a mango tree. One of the Bible school instructors went to preach to the people; fifteen were baptized in Jesus' name, and seven received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

One of our pastors witnessed to two pastors and baptized them in Jesus' name.

Randall Richardson family, reported by Pastor Mamy Razanajatovo

One was baptized in Jesus' name.

Phil Tolstad family

In four regions of the country, a total of 128 have been baptized in Jesus' name, and thirty-one have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Eight new churches have been started.

One church has doubled, and they have purchased land to build a church.

Another church has purchased land and finished their temporary structure to hold services.

Three new pastors have joined our church.

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