Thursday, October 23, 2008

Report from New Zealand

Greetings in the Matchless, Powerful Name Of Our King and LORD, Jesus Christ!

LOCAL GYM hears the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ.

Another member of my local gym is baptized into the name of Jesus Christ.... My time at the gym has borne much fruit.

Mc Claude, a chef, does his work out several times a week. We've had many conversations about the Bible and God.

On Thursday this week we talked about being obedient to the Word of God. The Holy Spirit was present and I told him that there was an urgency for him that we get together. He agreed and we sat down in a cafe and we had a Bible study. He received revelation immediately. Mc Claude gave his life to Jesus, repented and was baptized into the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.

He was filled with the Holy Spirit when he came out of the water and spoke in tongues! Praise God. Mc Claude testified that he 'knew what had happened to him was right'. Glory! Several members of this gym have come to Christ and have been baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Churches here in Auckland are in our 26th day of the 40 day fasting and prayer for the Empowered Conference with Rev. Lee Stoneking (21 -23 Nov). The spirit of unity is bringing upon us a harvest. Chains are being broken over our cities and people are becoming even more receptive to the "voice of truth." Jesus said in Mat 17:21 ...this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

We need your continued prayer support for the work in Auckland, New Zealand. We thank you for all you do for His great cause.

To God be the Glory,

Pastor Marshall

visit us at: Pentecostals of Auckland

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