Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Africa in Revival

Area Coordinator, Ted Grosbach

At National Kids Camp, thirteen received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

There were three who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at a local church.

Congo (Brazzaville)
Regional Missionary, Gistophe family

A total of nine received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at two churches.

Equatorial Guinea
Regional Missionary, Peter Mua family

In regular services two were baptized in Jesus' name, two received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and three testified of healing.

The Bible school has just completed the GATS certificate program.

Area Coordinator, Randy Adams - reported by Pastor Désiré

There were three baptized in Jesus' name.

Nicky Sisco & Colleen Carter families

Throughout nine regional Easter Conventions, there were a total of 145 who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, 102 baptized in Jesus' name, eighty-seven testified of healing, and forty new people were added to the church.

Chris Gibbs family

The missionary made an acquaintance with a former Muslim man who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and wants to help in the church. Through this man, the missionaries have also met the leader of an Apostolic Church organization. This organization has over 300 churches and 20,000 members throughout the country. They want to fellowship with the UPC.

Bible school classes have commenced with twelve students studying the GATS certificate program.

Randall Richardson family - reported by Michèle

There were many visitors at the first Youth Conference.

During national revival meetings for Easter, one received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and one was baptized in Jesus' name.

There were two baptized in Jesus' name at one church.

Randall Richardson family - reported by Brother Mamy

There were two baptized in Jesus' name and one received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Bible school has started with fifteen students.

Sierra Leone
Area Coordinator, Randy Adams - reported by Pastor Conteh

The monthly prayer meetings are well attended and mightily blessed with God's power.

A lady who was sick for three months was totally healed.

A newly established church had six baptized in Jesus' name.

Another church baptized eight in Jesus' name.

Throughout the country there were a total of thirty-five who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Richard Smoak family

The pastors of one region came together to fast and pray for four days. Several people came to them seeking prayer. Four extremely ill were healed, and seven received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Also, a family with five children who lived next door to the meeting place all became deathly ill and had extreme cases of vomiting & diarrhea after eating a meal together. The pastors went and prayed for them, and they were instantly healed. After seeing the power of God, the family believed and were baptized in Jesus' name. A woman who had been married for six years with no children came to them for prayer and now expects to be reconciled to her husband - by faith in God's power to open her womb.

At an unusual Saturday wedding in one church, seven were healed. The next day after the regular church service, four were baptized in Jesus' name including the mother of the bride.

A baby who was unable to pass through the birth canal was delivered safely without an operation after being prayed for.

A three year old child was healed of a birth disorder.

For Easter weekend, seven regions reported that twenty-five were baptized in Jesus' name, 130 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and thirty-nine were healed. The missionary and two other ministers preached special services at a Pentecostal church in an area the UPC currently has no churches. More than 300 were present on Sunday with about fifteen who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and twenty-five were healed. We trust that they will fully accept the Apostles message.

A young, demon possessed man who had been tied up for three days was delivered and released in his right mind after prayer.

Five regions reported a total of 1,794 Home Bible Studies taught in one month. In an area recently reached by the UPC, two new people were won to the Lord through these home Bible studies.

Phil Tolstad & Steve Phelps families

Throughout the country a total of 155 received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and forty-six were baptized in Jesus' name.

There have been twelve new churches started.

We are thankful for eleven Trinitarian pastors who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, were baptized in Jesus' name, and have joined our church.

Two new areas have opened up and churches are being planted there.

Gary Abernathy family

During meetings in one region, there were thirty-seven who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

In one region, the zonal Big Sundays had an attendance of 4,315. A total of thirty-three received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and fifty-seven were baptized in Jesus' name.

A pastor's son who celebrated his eighth birthday recently also celebrated his 'spiritual birthday' the very next day as God filled him with the power of the Holy Spirit during the Children's Crusade.

Special Prayer Focus:

The Gambia
The Comoros Islands

SOON Revival Reports will come from these nations! In Jesus' name!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cantrell News: Niger & Burkina Faso, West Africa

Niger Comes Alive
Proverbs 29:18     Where there is no vision, the people perish:

From the roof tops of the Mosques in a 99% Islamic nation, the call of prayer covers the city; yet, deep within the hearts of the people, they search for Jesus Christ. God is moving among the population in Niger! 

In the capital city of Niamey, our headquarters church baptized more than 30 people in 2012. They are trending to far surpass this number in 2013.  A Bible School has been established with 24 students that will be enrolled in the GATS Certificate Program.

Truly, God is with us!

Please continue to pray for Burkina Faso and Niger. Our Lord is coming soon and we must work while the doors are still opened in these counties. God has increased our territory and the Kingdom is advancing toward northern Africa. The church has entered into full Apostolic revival with signs following.

Update Newsletter: Cooneys

                           ...MOVING FORWARD

Our Deputation Travels

Since the beginning of the year 2013, we have traveled 12,000 miles and ministered in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri & Louisiana. We've me some incredible people along the way, making many new friends and having many memorable services that we will not forget.


Bobby McWhorter (Meadville, PA) - I had the privilege to baptize an old friend I went to high school with. He was an unbeliever. His girlfriend was sneaky and told him she had a surprise for him and brought him to church to see me and, more importantly, to meet God! Bobby met Him and now is a believer! We give God glory for another soul! Bobby and his girlfriend are attending bible study each Tuesday with an apostolic family that just moved up from Texas into their same neighborhood. The church is 45 min away from where they live. It's not a coincidence this family has moved into the same neighborhood as Bobby & Jeanne live. Pastor Bault has desired to start a daughter work in Erie for quite some time, and God has brought 4 people together to help make this happen!

In a torrential downpour, we ministered in Ronda, WV. Because of the rain, twisty & mountainous roads, it was very difficult to see the lines on the road to know where you were at. When we were almost to the church, we noticed a car that was literally slanted on its side off the road, about to go into an overflowing river. We slowed down to check it out and right then the driver's side door swung open and an older lady was straining to get out. I jumped out of the van in the pouring rain and helped her fully open the door and pull her and another lady out of the car. We gave them our golf umbrella and called her son to pick them up. Another man came; he worked at a wrecking company, and said he'd call them to come pull the car out before it slid down into the river. When speaking with these ladies, both said neither of them could swim. So if the car would have gone any farther they both most likely would've drowned. We normally time it to arrive 1/2 hour early before our services. This night we were going to be 1 hour early compensating for the bad weather. There was still plenty of time to set up and minister. We thank the Lord for putting us in the right place at the right time, also for the many in service that were ministered to & 4 individuals who decided to be baptized! The pastor gave us his golf umbrella at the end of service...HA! God does all things well! 

In the next few months

Our family has been very blessed to be together these past months since we resumed our deputation August 2012. Fanny has a visa extension currently being processed that will help her to remain in the U.S. until the end of June 2013. Because our time is nearing very soon and our plan is to move forward, Fanny & Jaylon are preparing to move to Ireland in June. Jaylon is already registered to begin school there in the fall, and Fanny is currently looking for employment opportunities. We have been blessed to raise 60% of our budget so far during our travels. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank each state missions director, pastor, church & individual that has given in so many ways. We are once again looking at the reality of being apart from one another for 8+ months while I complete deputation travels in the U.S. We ask for your prayers to cover us during our upcoming time apart, and prayers that God would supply all our needs and budget quickly so that we can be with one another and begin our church plan asap! Please contact us at if God puts it in your heart to give toward our upcoming moving expenses or partner with us monthly with a PIM.


In July, during the move to Ireland, we will be attending the Annual Renewal Conference in Vienna, Austria, and will be receiving our Ordination! We are excited that our family will be present for this special time, and that it will be taking place in the presence of our European brothers & sisters.


The BALZE Europe & M E program was officially launched Christmas week during Youth Congress-Holland. BLAZE EUROPE is a short term missions opportunity for individuals (Europeans and Middle Easterners only) to travel abroad to another country in Europe, be able to work with nationals in various forms of ministry, and participate in evangelism & reaching the lost for Christ! It's a chance to glean from pastors, revival ministries, and others alike that are searching for the Will of God for their lives. It's a way to experience different people, cultures, and ways of life that one may by no other means be exposed to. Log onto and click on the BLAZE icon, then on "about Blaze" to find out more. Online application and some great fund raising ideas are also available. Check out the rest of the website for many resources to help get you involved in the harvest! 


Wolfram Spring Newsletter

Philippines: Another ACTS Bible  school year  has  come  to an  end  (July 6, 2012  ‐  April 5, 2013).   Together  Deborah and I  taught  12‐one  hour  sessions each  week,  including  night school. What  an  opportunity to  help  mold  the  next generation of ministers!

Several  groups  from  America blessed  our  school  this  year.  Thank  you  Rev.  Mangun  and Rev.  Terry  Shock  of  the Pentecostals  of  Alexandria  for your  generous  help  in providing  scholarship funds to offset  the  huge  expense  each student  has  to  carry.    Also, thank  you  for  providing  roof sealant  and manpower to stop the  many  leaks  that  have plagued  our  compound. (Ryan Franklin,  Terry  Westbrook, Jimmy  Savory  [POA],   Anthony and  Hunter  Needham [Stephens, Arkansas]).

We  are  also  thankful   for  Rev.  George  Guy's  influence  along with  Roger  Kellum  and  the TOP  church  for  remodeling our  school  kitchen  and dinning  room  (stove,  water filtering  system, tables, chairs, rice  cooker,  fans,  cutting board, etc.). Thank you,  Kendra Shock  and  Trent  Gilliam,  for serving as AIMer at ACTS.  The ministry of  Monte  and  Dianne Showalter  blessed  this  year’s graduation–what  a  great message!  Forty-one  students graduated. 

Vietnamese Students: We  were  able  to  bring  five  young Vietnamese  students  to  Manila  this year. They each come from  different church  backgrounds  which  has opened  up  many  doors  to  reach their  particular  families,  pastors and church groups.

Siscos' Monthly Newsletter: Ghana

Children's Ministry

A new twelve week series of children's lessons entitled "A Mouth Full of Good Things" has been written and printed by the Ghana Missionary Team. We are excited to begin these new lessons leading up to our annual Children's Week the first of May. The key verse "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles" (Proverbs 21:23) sums the series up well.

Team Ministry

Due to the recent visit of the Capital Community Church in Virginia, the United Pentecostal Church International of Ghana has been blessed. Led by Associate Pastor Steve O'Donnell, the fourteen member team networked our national office, painted on our national headquarters compound, taught at our Bible College, preached multiple times, helped put together Sunday school helps and blessed a local orphanage. It was exciting to see ten filled with the Holy Ghost under their ministry.

Video: Exciting Missions Trip to Ghana

Ministry is always the focus of visiting teams, but it's also fun to share our host culture with guests. CCC was able to walk our rope bridges at Kakum National Park, play with the crocs at Hans Cottage and tour Elmina Castle, the longest standing slave castle in sub-Sahara Africa. Despite the heat, power outages, and yes, even broken down vans, the team persevered with a positive attitude. "Adaptability" is a must with missions! God bless the various mission teams that use their talents for the Lord.

1st Quarter Newsletter: J. Johnson (Mali)

Togo held its National Conference December 27th-30th, 2012. During these four days of services, at least 27 received the Holy Ghost, many were delivered from evil spirits, and countless people received healing in their bodies. One young man who was lame left his crutch at the altar and walked! A lady testified of healing from a grave intestinal problem and an elderly man gave praise to God for healing his left side that had been paralyzed by a stroke. Four couples were ordained and 12 students graduated from Bible School! I was also able to teach about 300 kids about the power of the Holy Ghost: our next generation of preachers! We thank the Lord for revealing Himself and making His name know among the West Africans!

Thank you for your financial support and your prayers. May the Lord richly bless you in this new year!

Jay’s Journal 
First Quarter (December 2012 thru March 2013)

❣A Leadership Seminar and Crusade was held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, February 8-10th, 2013. Eleven were baptized, 78 received the Holy Ghost (two were children I taught in Sunday School!), and 128 claimed healing in Jesus’ name! We give Jesus all the glory and praise for the wonders He performed and are so excited about what God is doing on this island through Regional Missionary, Rev. Peter Mua and his family.

❣Bible School began on February 25th with 18 students, representing the nations of Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, and C.A.R. I am privileged to be teaching Romans, Major Prophets and Old Testament History this semester. Most of our students will be finishing up their Bible School education this semester and will plant churches in their respective country!

❣Please pray for the nation of Mali as it recovers from civil war and regains stability with the help of French and ECOWAS troops. Pray also for the Malian refugees in bordering countries and the Tuaregs who have gone into hiding. Jesus is the Prince of Peace: He is able to touch the hearts and lives of these people!

Jaydie Johnson, Missionary to Mali, West Africa